Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Buying Fool's Gold


"I know, I know. Tell a lie often enough, and some will start to believe it. The administration REFUSES to accept the inflation rate when Biden was sworn in was just under 2%. They will lie, cheat and steal in order to tell a different story." 

I don't do this very often, but I am going to let a hot tip out for my readers to take advantage of. It is going to be worth more than gold itself. Although technically called pyrite, it is known to many as Fool's Gold. Where did I get my information on this hot tip, and how do I know it is true? I received from the economic advisors for the current administration. If they say it is true, then it must be true.

Okay - enough of this gag. Anymore, and it might trigger a "gag reflex". Of course, Fool's Gold is just pyrite. Not totally worthless, but worth only a small fraction of what gold is worth. My point was simply this - for spokespeople from this administration to continue to lie and gaslight day after day, gets old really fast. Why? We are not idiots. Some sheeple might be, but not the patriots and citizens.

I know, I know. Tell a lie often enough, and some will start to believe it. The administration REFUSES to accept the inflation rate when Biden was sworn in was just under 2%. They will lie, cheat and steal in order to tell a different story. And today, the BIG news was inflation was going down. Ah - no it is not. The monthly rate might have gone down to 2.9%, but here is the truth. An item you would buy at $100, would cost you at least $102.90 next year. Prices are going up, just not as fast. People who are suffering under these high prices, will still be suffering next year. And the next. And the next.

The next time I hear that Biden and Harris "fixed" the economy that Trump screwed up, I might either hit something or just puke. That is a LIE and a GASLIGHT. Period. Full stop. And today, it was leaked that woman who had done NOTHING (Harris), will go on a campaign to bring prices down once she is sworn in. How? Blame the producers. The price gougers. Harris will say Trump will not go after the producers, as he is in bed with them. He hates the "little guy", and loves the billionaires and big companies. This is a pile of BS so high; you can't see over it.

For those who are still listening to this sophism and blather, a kindly word of advice. Don't believe one single word of what they are saying. THEY ALL LIE. If they get another four years, they will play us as fools once again. The media is just in bad - maybe worse.  


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