Sunday, August 4, 2024

The summer of storms...

"The storm started out mild, and before too long, it got wild. Wind and rain (but no hail). It was raining so hard, we could not even hear the TV, even on high volume. It was at that point I thought my decision to come up over the weekend was foolish."

This week, up at the campground, there were two very stormy nights and some days with just rain. Oh, did I mention it was very hot also? Storm # 1 happened on Wednesday night. We were still at home as we had some home items to take care off. When we got up to the campground yesterday, our pop-up gazebo looked like a pinata. One of my grill covers has blown off, and I never did find it. Who knows? It might be in Oz. Our neighbors in the next trailer told us the wind got so strong, they got in the car and drove down to the hazardous weather safe spaces (the shower rooms). My wife and I were glad we picked this week to spend more time at home. Yikes! 

I had heard the forecast for this weekend. Stormy on Saturday night. We decided to go up anyhow, as the saying goes, "lightening does not strike twice in the same spot". Boy were we wrong!

Saturday was windy, hot and sticky. I was trying to get some prep done for some hardscaping I was going to do on the BBQ area. As dinner time approached, the winds died down a bit, and the skies grew darker to the west. My wife looked at the radar and trouble was brewing just over Lake Mille Lacs. I lit the coals for our steaks and tried to "baton down the hatches" (so to speak). 

The steaks were not quite as done as I would have liked, but I was out of time. Now it was very dark, and thunder and lightning were in the area. I had everything covered but the golf cart, and just made it inside before it hit. The storm started out mild, and before too long, it got wild. Wind and rain (but no hail). It was raining so hard, we could not even hear the TV, even on high volume. It was at that point I thought my decision to come up over the weekend was foolish. By 10pm the wind and rain stopped, and the nighttime was decent sleeping weather.

In any event, we came home a bit early. Why? In this summer of non-stop rain, most yards look like rain forests. The weather guy this morning said this - if you have any yard work to do, do it today. 

Tomorrow will be non-stop rain from morning until night. So, I will be a grass cutter this afternoon. On the bright side, it has been years since I have seen the crops look this good. But for RV camping? Thumbs down.  

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