Friday, August 23, 2024

Our new financial planner

"Folks, the la-la land convention in Chicago is over. Time for the real campaign to start. We have now seen what the other side looks like. Weird, for a starter. Kamala Harris has no platform except more of the same. Only this time, she will add in some real nonsense on how she handles the nation's wealth." 

We have a new financial planner. That is, that is what she really wants to be. Just the other day, we went in with somewhat of a complicated financial restructuring for her to help us out on. I thought she was odd, as she laughed at everything everyone said. And when she talked, it was like talking in riddles. Or a word salad. Oh well, the people that might hire her must know what they are doing.

After my wife and I laid out our plan and what we hoped to obtain, this new financial planner giggled and said, "No silly - I have a better plan for you. I am going to increase your fees to me by tenfold, and then you will get enough money back at the end of the day to live on. Plus, I am going to assess additional fees on your assets you have invested in but have not cashed out as yet. It is all good."

My wife and I sat in stunned silence. Where in the world did this woman come from with such stupid ideas? What kind of a financial planner is she? I mean, this is our money, which we have worked hard for. Then I asked her the tough question - "Do you know what you are doing? And where in the world did you get your financial training?"

Again, she giggled. "I was trained in California. And I do know what I am doing. My job is to make everyone equal. Total equity. Right now, you have too much, and others need some of your wealth. Our motto here is we all do better when we all do better."  

Then it hit me. I recognized that stupid saying. "Are you a Democrat?" I had to ask. "Of course, silly - I am. And when I am done with you and your wife, you will be Democrats also." My wife and I got up to leave. We were both speechless. Who in the world could be this foolish to hire this nincompoop to handle their finances? To ruin everything for everyone.

Folks, the la-la land convention in Chicago is over. Time for the real campaign to start. We have now seen what the other side looks like. Weird, for a starter. Kamala Harris has no platform except more of the same. Only this time, she will add in some real nonsense on how she handles the nation's wealth. The Marxist in her will come shining through. No more pretending. No more hiding. She is after your wealth. She will be the final act in the dismantling of America.

Plus, she picked well in getting "No Balls" Walz from the great state of Minnesota to be her running mate. Timmy, batting cleanup after Drifty Mark Dayton screwed us for eight years, has our state elevated to the number one position. What number one position? According to Yahoo Finance, Minnesota is the most tax unfriendly state in the union. Well done Taxing Timmy! You and Kamala make a wonderful pair (of morons).   

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