Monday, August 5, 2024

The $100,000 hurdle

"Kamala Harris is clueless on what to do. Except, to follow Joe Biden. If we get four more years of Harris following the Obama/Biden script - we are done for. That is not hyperbole - that is fact." 

Those of us living in this economy know one thing for certain. Regardless of how much gaslighting we are getting from the government, as well as their lap dog media, it is rough and tough out there. One of my favorite memes is some Democrat gaslighting a person on the street, telling her how many jobs have been created by this administration. With a smile on her face, she responds, "I know. I have three of them and still can't make ends meet." BINGO! It is not the number of jobs created (even though most are rebounded jobs from the pandemic), it is the quality of those jobs. 

We all know one thing. The telltale signs are out there. We know what a good economy looks and feels like. And this is not one of them. Want the latest stat which will blow you away? The city of Minneapolis. If you want to buy a modest house in that run down city. It was reported this morning on the news, the cost of ownership for that modest house in Minneapolis requires an income of $100,000. Have you seen what many of the houses in Minneapolis look like? Even with Biden juicing the minimum wage up to $20/hour, that is only $40,000/year. 

To survive in this economy, many are resorting to the one-way street called consumer debt. I mean why not? The government has racked up $35T in national debt. The often-fooled stock market is finally starting to get the hint. The economy is built on smoke and mirrors. Last week the economy started to tank. Now the Fed might need to come in for the rescue. This week will really tell the tale of the tape. 

More and more economists are saying the same thing now. Drill baby, drill! Why? Most who made it past third grade knows that the world runs on energy. To keep your foot on the neck of coal and gas is beyond foolish. Build the XL Pipeline. Open up the Artic. Open up the Duluth Shield for needed minerals. Become an energy exporter once again. Build nukes of all sizes, all over the country. 

The price of energy goes down, the war machine in Russia slows down. The terror funding in Iran slows down. Our inflation slows down. The price of a gallon of gas goes down. And our electricity costs go down. The cost to build a house slows down. Get the picture? The more we drill, it is all upside.

Kamala Harris is clueless on what to do. Except, to follow Joe Biden. If we get four more years of Harris following the Obama/Biden script - we are done for. That is not hyperbole - that is fact. And if you live in Minneapolis and want to buy an average house there, you better work three of those part time jobs which Biden has created. You will need them to get your income up to $100,000. 


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