Friday, August 2, 2024

More of the same?

"Be careful America. You are about to buy the biggest pig in a poke in the history of our country. Do you want more of the same? You are about to get it, in spades. And when the dust settles in January of 2025, you will have nobody to blame but yourselves. In other words, once again, you have been had." 

I love campaign promises. Especially the ones which cannot be kept. For example, Joe Biden promised to do away with student loans. Of course, he had no power to do that. In fact, the Supreme Court told him that was illegal. Court, tort! Who cares what they say? So, Biden did it anyway, without the consent of Congress nor the courts. As most of us know, giving a "free ride" is never free - it ends up on the tab that the taxpayers will have to deal with.

With Kamala we will get more of the same. Count on it. Right now, she is getting dizzy from doing so many "turn arounds". Like, the border. What ever happened to "No more ICE!" Oh, that is still there. She just has to disavow it until the election is over. Why? Extreme positions like that might hurt her.

What then will a Harris term look like? More of the same. That is all voters need to know. The crapola which went on during the Biden term will continue into the Harris term. More inflation. More war. More illegals. It is like in the Navy when we vetted someone to be in our group. When the question was raised what that person who be like in the future, the answer always was to look into that person's past. The same with politicians. A leopard does not change its spots, and neither does a politician.

Somebody asked a great question the other day about Kamala Harris. How in the world, when this person has done squat as Veep, who never earned one delegate while running for president, be tied with Donald Trump in the polls? The answer to that one is easy. George Orwell had it figured out when he wrote 1984. The cabal of high tech (Google and Facebook), the lap dog media (ABC, NBC, CBS and so forth), and the DNC machine have given us a modern-day Group Think. Or the medium is the message. Or it is like when a lie is repeated over and over again, soon it sounds like the truth.

Here are the facts about Kamala Harris. She is a phony. Don't give me this prosecutor stuff. That is all she has. Her office staff can't stand her. The public can't understand her when she speaks in word salad. Her resume as Veep is a blank sheet of paper. While in the Senate, she was to the left of Bernie Sanders. As a candidate, she is a nothing burger. But with the help of the non-stop blaring of falsehoods on lap dog media; with the contamination of the algorithms on Google (as well as other high-tech search engines), Kamala looks like a saint. She looks like a saint to the foolish and acts like a trojan horse to the wise.

Be careful America. You are about to buy the biggest pig in a poke in the history of our country. Do you want more of the same? You are about to get it, in spades. And when the dust settles in January of 2025, you will have nobody to blame but yourselves. In other words, once again, you have been had. 


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