Saturday, August 24, 2024

From hero to hated, just like that

"I will give you kudos for one additional thing. You could have done this on Thursday instead of Friday. THAT - would have taken all the oxygen out of the air in Chicago. But you were a gentleman who knows how to play fair (unlike the minions in the New Socialist Party). That way Kamala could give her pointless speech about the great void of nothingness."

Welcome RFK Jr, to the fray. Sorry - I should have warned you that you are no longer lovable. In fact, you are now a pariah. Even some in your own family might turn against you. Why? You have the guts to be a truth teller, and not a gas lighter. Not only did you go on national TV (for those outlets who are not compromised by the Deep State) and give a blistering account of what has happened to the Democrat Party (it was all true), you then put the dagger in the heart of the beast by endorsing Donald J. Trump. 

Welcome to MAGA nation Mr. Kennedy. But hold on - it gets worse. Bobby Jr. might become a part of Trump's Administration. Like, maybe Secretary of Agriculture. If that comes to pass, this will be the first time in just about forever we have someone in that position with some skills. And someone who is not bought and paid for. It seems Bobby Jr.'s pet rock (food safety) is also a high interest item of the Don. In fact, even though Kennedy and Trump don't agree on everything, it is amazing on how many things they do agree on.

I will give you kudos for one additional thing. You could have done this on Thursday instead of Friday. THAT - would have taken all the oxygen out of the air in Chicago. But you were a gentleman who knows how to play fair (unlike the minions in the New Socialist Party). That way Kamala could give her pointless speech about the great void of nothingness.

Dean Phillips has just a smidge of the right stuff that Bobby Jr. has running through his veins. Dean is a "almost" guy. He strayed off the reservation to (gasp!) run against Joe Biden. Dean kept saying this was nothing personal but Biden was way too old to go for a second term. But here is why Dean is an "almost" guy. His voting record. His record is just about 100% with all the crap that Biden put forward. Bottom line? Dean may have been right about Biden's age, but not much else. I would like to say he is a work in progress, but that would not be telling the truth. But heck - anybody can finally see the light and change. Maybe Dean will.

Back to Bobby Jr. joining our team. One of things that Bobby Jr and Donald have already agreed on, is how they will disagree. It will be respectful and informative. I think having a strong voice like Kennedy's in Trump's cabinet could do everyone "a solid". Why do I say that? There are so many weasels on the blue team, finding a truth teller like Bobby Jr. is like finding the golden fleece. In other words, when you find one - keep him. And most importantly - listen to him. 

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