Thursday, August 8, 2024

The shiny new penny stage...

"Get ready Timmy, the exam is coming. I know, I know. You have very thin skinned. Well tough toenails to that one. Your record sucks and bleeds failure. Soon your shiny new luster will fade away, and the crowds will see what they have. A pig in a poke." 

All I have to say is this - enjoy it, Timmy. This is the fun stage for you. And boy, are you enjoying it! We saw you yesterday with Kamala, at the astroturf rallies, almost running up on stage, pumping your fists, oh my! Introducing, Tim Walz! The shiny new penny from Minnesota! The man most in the country have not heard of. That is, unless you live in Minnesota and have had tyrant Timmy's boot on your economic neck. No, this is Timmy's time in the sun. And if he were smart, he would be enjoying every second of it. Why? Coming up is the political colonoscopy. Better known as the anal exam.

Taking a deep dive into this carpetbagger's background is going to be fun. Keep in mind, the other side is already trying to come up with some dirt on JD Vance. Like his time as a Marine. Or his time in Iraq. Or going to Yale law school. Or growing up poor. What have they come up with so far? Mostly crickets. Or lies. Or gaslighting. I have looked at JD's background, and I am impressed. He is a quality guy. I am also familiar with Tim Walz's background. Those of us who live in this state, already know his numerous warts and bruises. Those who do not live in Minnesota, will soon find out.

Walz grew up Catholic, and then became an ELCA Lutheran. One might think with that background he would be death on abortions. Nope. As the National Catholic Register has reported, "Walz holds extreme views on many issues, many of which are in direct opposition to church teaching." The Register sites abortion and transgender issues as examples. What does all this mean? People who are Catholics or evangelicals should find Walz's extreme positions repugnant. 

Some of Tim Walz's army "buddies" are sending good old Sargent Walz a political frag to celebrate his coming out party. Many in Tim's unit had a chance to witness him up close and personal for decades. Some were not impressed. Some actually had no time for the good Sargent. And this stunt of leaving his unit high and dry prior to going to Iraq - that sour note still is stuck in many craws. 

Get ready Timmy, the exam is coming. I know, I know. You have very thin skinned. Well tough toenails to that one. Your record sucks and bleeds failure. Soon your shiny new luster will fade away, and the crowds will see what they have. A pig in a poke. The "prairie populist" who hates the rocks and cows of southern Minnesota. Might I even say a wolf in sheep's clothing? Or is that too harsh too soon.     

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