Saturday, August 10, 2024

An old subject...

"Was Tim outraged that 1/4 billion taxpayer dollars were stolen by this group of immigrant grifters? Oh no, my good people - Timmy did not want to lose any Somali political support."

Last night, as my wife and I were watching the Jesse Watters show, Jesse did a segment on the Feeding the Future scam which happened in Minnesota a short time ago. Truthfully, there had been so much happening, I almost forgot about it. Why was this important to bring up again? Because of whom was the CEO of the state at the time of the crime. Taxing Timmy Walz. Was Tim outraged that 1/4 billion taxpayer dollars were stolen by this group of immigrant grifters? Oh no, my good people - Timmy did not want to lose any Somali political support.

It is interesting how the Star Tribune really under reported this story. Like, what is the latest? Is the government going after all the money which was squandered? Crickets. But Jesse did have a guest on last night to talk about the Tim Walz that America is just now starting to know. My old friend Donna Bergstrom. She ran with Jeff Johnson as the Lt. Gov. candidate for the GOP. Jesse wanted to know Donna's perspective on Tim Walz. Donna was happy to oblige, and she did not hold back.

After that segment was over, my wife and I talked about our time with Donna. During the campaign, we became close to her. Got to know her and her son very well. In fact, one evening when our state fair was in session, my wife and I took Donna and our state senator Michele Benson) at the time to an event at a church in south Minneapolis. Yes, we drove into the belly of the beast.

I had notified Jeff Johnson in advance and told him I was taking his Lt. Gov. there. He was cool with it. It was an event (vigil) to honor those who died from drugs during the past year. Many Native Americans are affected by our drug problem in the city. Donna (who is Native American) knew some of the folks attending. It was an interesting evening, Pow Wow and all. Even though we sat in front of the Minneapolis Chief of Police, I was a nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. I was very relieved when we left and got Donna and Michele back to where they needed to be.

Anyhow, back to Feeding our Future. This was a scandal which happened right under Timmy's nose. Either he was asleep at the wheel, or he just did not care. Like most Democrats, taxpayer money is like play money. If it slips through the cracks, just tax some more. Why does "Coach" Walz and Giggles get along so well? They are both highly incompetent. Period. Full stop.   

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