Monday, August 19, 2024

The Donald Trump factor

"Will I be glued to the tube this week? Nope. Finally getting a week of dry and gorgeous summer weather. And if I do watch the tube at night, it will be re-runs of Chicago PD. That is the only Chicago I care to watch."   

Watched an interesting news show yesterday. Mostly Republican pundits. The question on the table, on the eve of the DNC Convention in Chicago, was simply this - how in the world can Trump be leading in important categories such as the economy, immigration, national defense and crime, and only be tied with the queen of "word salads"? After these last 3 1/2 years, it makes no difference who Trump runs against - Biden or Harris - he should be mopping the floor with them.

Is it the abortion thing? We all know the Democrats worship at the altar of abortion. And there is nothing the Republicans can do about abortion at this stage of the game - it is baked into the blue political cake. Then Brit Hume (Fox News) had an interesting point. Putting abortion aside, Hume said there were two reasons the race was this close. 

First off, Trump's base is rock solid hard. Has not moved even an inch in the past 3 cycles. That being said, as much as Trump's base loves him, most Democrats loath him. They hate Trump with a deep passion. That is the first reason. The second reason is (believe it or not) hope. With Biden, the Democrats knew they were going down in flames. Now with Ms. "Her Turn", they see a "historic" opportunity to elect the first woman of color. Never mind she has no substance - she is a woman and has some color. BINGO! A tie race!

Another Republican pundit went even deeper. When Trump sticks to the script and lays out his record and then his vision for his next term - he hits gold. However, when he goes off script and acts like he is a bully or gets into name calling - the Surburban woman and RINOS flock to the other side. 

Some of what was discussed I don't buy. If we had clear thinking people in this country, and not mind numbed robots, they could look around and know things are very hosed up right now. Much more so than when Trump was president. This should be a slam dunk landslide victory for Trump, not a nail bitter. 

How bad is it right now? In Chicago, on the eve of their BIG CONVENTION, over 20 people were shot and five died. Many of the store front windows are boarded up. Delegates are encouraged to sign into hotels using fake names, so the protestors can't track them down. And speaking of protestors, over 200 groups are sending in mutts to cause violence and mayhem. Welcome to Biden's (and Harris') America.

By the way, not to let Tampon Timmy off the hook, his largest city (Minneapolis) had four kids shot last weekend in a stolen car. Four kids out of five, riding around in a stolen car at 1 am. What is the difference between Chicago and Minneapolis? Not much - except size. Both cities are wrought with crime, and safe streets are only a thing out of the past.

Will I be glued to the tube this week? Nope. Finally getting a week of dry and gorgeous summer weather. And if I do watch the tube at night, it will be re-runs of Chicago PD. That is the only Chicago I care to watch.   

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