Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rocks, cows and word salad

"Truthfully, as a lifelong Minnesotan I have never really cared for Tim Walz. He is a phony. An opportunist. Maybe after Walz gets exposed and gutted in the national spotlight, it will be the end of his career as a money grabber. He can take his schtick and move back to Nebraska."

The carpetbagger from Nebraska has now made the big time. Tim Walz, who at one time excoriated Minnesota for only being a land of "rocks and cows", now has caught the eye of some of the most extreme socialists in the country. As such, this authoritarian statist, has put Minnesota on the map as not the land of "Minnesota Nice", but rather the land of "Minnesota Nuts", for electing this moron twice as governor.

Here is the good thing however, about having Taxing Timmy in the national spotlight. It also puts Minnesota in the spotlight. All the warts and bruises from the Floyd riots to the transgender assignment laws, to the abortion laws, to our failed education system, to recreational weed, to the sixth highest tax in the union, and so forth. It has shown how the blue wave in 2022, which gave us every fruit and nut in the state serving in our legislature, crafted bills so extreme, only a commie would sign them. And sign them, Walz did.

I put a post out yesterday saying this pick of Walz, as well as the selection of Harris, might have been planned by the powers that be. This blue team does not have a snowballs chance of beating Trump and Vance. In other words - they are a throw away team. They want to keep their "blue chip" team (like Josh Shapiro) sharp and untouched for the 2028 election. In that election, if might just be Shapiro against Vance. That would be a fun one.

BTW - did you notice the second member of the "Squad" went down in flames yesterday? No more Cori Bush. Shame. What is the message here? After four years of inflation, crime, open borders and mayhem, the American public is ready for the adults to be back in charge. No more having our great nation look and act like a gulag run by apparatchiks. And after two nut balls like Biden/Harris - we want and need to get back to normal.

Truthfully, as a lifelong Minnesotan I have never really cared for Tim Walz. He is a phony. An opportunist. Maybe after Walz gets exposed and gutted in the national spotlight, it will be the end of his career as a money grabber. He can take his schtick and move back to Nebraska.

As for me and mine? We want Minnesota to be red again. We want Minnesota to be normal again. Most of all, we want Minnesota to be Godly again.  


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