Thursday, August 15, 2024

As different as night is to day

"As my profound thinking continued, I came up with this conclusion. Why bother? There is no way I could ever vote for the pablum that the Democrats believe in, and most Democrats would rather stick their arms into a vat of boiling oil than to vote like me."

The Democrat Party of this neck of the woods has a new sign out. "There are more things which unite us than divide us". Really? I don't think so. Each year, each decade, each generation - our divisions grow deeper. So deep as a matter of fact, that one party says high, the other says low. One says inflation is caused by price gouging (big business), and the other party declares inflation is caused by too much government spending. One party thinks a peace dividend comes from cutting our military down to the bare bones, and the other party thinks a strong military yields peace through strength. One party thinks many don't pay their fair share of taxes, and the other party thinks we are taxed way too much. Get the picture?

After hearing a Democrat on Fox News yesterday, spewing the garbage on how our economy is in great shape right now, and Biden performed a miracle by fixing what Trump had broken, I was struck by a very profound thought. What the heck do both sides agree on? Anything? If one says it is cloudy, does the other say "not really, the sun is up there some place." I hear all the time about "reaching across the aisle" or "bi-partisan agreements", but I never see any consensus. 

Look at the past votes on getting Supreme Court Justices confirmed. Split right down party lines. The days of having almost a unanimous vote for approval are long dead. Votes in the House, votes in the Senate - same way. Most are right down party lines. When a topic is voted on where both sides agree (as rare as a Dodo Bird), it makes front page headlines. 

As my profound thinking continued, I came up with this conclusion. Why bother? There is no way I could ever vote for the pablum that the Democrats believe in, and most Democrats would rather stick their arms into a vat of boiling oil than to vote like me. Then I thought - what was it, which bifurcated our brains so much? FDR? The sixties? LBJ? Obama? Is it when our Republic (Democracy for you Democrats) became more like a tyranny? Truthfully, I am stumped. My profound thinking hit a roadblock and stopped.

Here we sit, going into our next election, more divided than ever. How satisfied will we be once it is over? Not very. I heard one biker interviewed in Sturgis say, "We cannot nor will not accept another four years like we just had." Bingo. I think many are thinking or saying the same thing. Those on the left, will not tolerate another four years of Trump. Those on the right, will not tolerate another four years of tyranny and inflation. Why do we feel that way? Because we remain as different as night is from day. 

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