Thursday, April 20, 2017

Waiting for the punch...

"What should we do about these guys? Keep waiting them out until they have a submarine launched ballistic missile? Threaten him back? Ask the UN for a resolution which would allow a blockade of North Korea's ports?" 

When I was in grades 6 thru 7, I was a punching bag. I had grown taller before I filled out. Plus, I did not have a whole lot of self confidence. We had a neighborhood bully who was bigger (not taller, bigger) than I. And he had my number. Just about every day he threatened me with some kind of bodily harm. I would tell my folks at the dinner table, begging them to intercede. Nope they would both say - you need to learn how to fight your own battles.

To make a long story shorter, as time went on I bought a set of weights and religiously started working out. Soon my body caught up with my height. Still, at least a couple times a week, the bully would tell me he was going to "bash my teeth in". So every week, I waited for the punch which never came.

Finally one day, I had it. We were playing some sandlot softball, and I tagged him out after he hit a grounder. He was furious. He said, "Now I will bash your teeth in". All of a sudden, I saw red. I started hitting him over and over and over again. I got him on the ground and hit him for every time he threatened me. Finally his mother came over and pulled me off her son. From that day forward, I never feared nor put up with bullies again. 

I tell this story for a reason. As a nation, we are being threatened at least once a week with some kind of Armageddon attack from North Korea. Only this is not a bigger kid threatening us - it is a mouse that roared. But because over the years, we have allowed this "mouse" to get nukes, here we sit, just waiting for his punch.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am so tried of this. I am tired of being threatened. I am tired of his bluster. And I am tired of having this country on the verge of going to a higher alert status just because this young nut ball keeps running his trap. I know that Jim Mattis is very tired of him also. He has as much as said so.

Here is the $64,000 question. What should we do about these guys? Keep waiting them out until they have a submarine launched ballistic missile? Threaten him back? Ask the UN for a resolution which would allow a blockade of North Korea's ports? Or to quote President Fillmore from the movie Independence Day - "Nuke the bastards!". 

Obama was lucky to slide out of town before the "ship started to hit the sand" with the Norks. What to do about the Norks is one of those gut wrenching decisions a Commander in Chief must make in a situation such as this. To nuke North Korea without an armed provocation from them first makes us look like the warmongers. Yet to do nothing is possibly just to wait for the punch to come in.

In the meantime, what can we do? Keep on keeping on. That being said, make sure you are bunkered up. If they manage to slip an EMP burst through our defenses, your bunker will be all that stands between you, your family and a slow death.  


  1. Well, we've got Tomahawks and MOABs so we really don't need to "nuke" the guy, but I'm sure there is an appropriate military response, maybe let South Korea go after him.

  2. Because NK is such a closed society, it would be difficult even to get an assassin into the country. Would have to be a Nork we've turned. I am sure our inexperienced and volatile administration will react in-appropriately if their ego's are tweeked.
