Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Day, Mirth Day


"Whoops! I bad! I forgot your day this week Mother Earth! I do however, still love you!"

Well another Earth Day has come and gone. As with most years, I seemed to have forgotten about it. It is not that I don't care about Terra Firma - I do. However, my concern with this planet involves those who walk around on the surface. The planet itself is doing fine, thank you. As big and bad as we like to think we are, this planet will be around for millions and millions of years once we are gone.

If Mother Earth (Gaia) did in fact have feelings, I believe she would be much more concerned about what we are doing to each other than what we have done to her. The fact is, this planet has been subjected to incredible abuse and misuse before we even stepped foot on her. She has been run into by thousands of meteors, comets and asteroids. In fact, many scientists believe our Moon was created when a small planetoid crashed into the Earth while being formed. There have been Gamma Ray Bursts, volcanos, earthquakes, you name it, and the Earth is still doing fine.

I have addressed this issue before. This Earth was divinely created for us to live on. If we tried to create a more perfect planet, we could not have done better than Earth. From the tilt, to the placement of the Moon, to the spinning of the molten core, to everything - the Earth is about as close to perfect and you can get.

It is true that years ago we did not understand how to properly manage the wildlife and resources that populate this great land. We are much better now. The air and water are cleaner, and the landscape has wonders yet to explore. Going out and picking up trash on Earth Day makes a mockery of what the day is trying to be. First off, there should not be any discarded trash laying around. Littering is disrespectful to us all. Second, if there is trash, it needs to be cleaned up every day. That is just our civic responsibility.

As for me, I like to celebrate Earth Day in the same fashion I celebrate the Earth every day - just being outside and enjoying the day. It is just as simple as that.

It is ironic that I was watching something on TV last night about a huge "hole" in the sun that was discovered last May. Actually, it is not really a "hole", but just an area on the sun that is "colder" than the rest of the sun's surface. Some scientists believe this abnormality could lead to a coronal mass ejection that under the right circumstances, could do grave damage to the Earth. Damage far, far greater than anything mankind could ever do.

So how do we make Earth Day something other than a "mirth day"? First off, live in the moment - we never know when this moment might be our last. Next, be kind to one another - we are all brothers and sisters traveling together on this wonderful planet. Finally, enjoy the day - each and every day is a gift from God.

By the way, Mother Earth is not all that fragile. In fact, she is a pretty tough lady. That does not mean we should not be kind to her and treat her with respect - after all, she still is a lady.

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