Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Common Core Math in Practice


"What is the answer? Whatever you what do you want it to be"

I will say one thing about our current Administration - they are good with numbers. That is not saying their math is correct, I am just saying they are good with numbers. By a miracle, the magic number of seven million sign ups for ObamaCare was hit by midnight last night. I suspect if the magic number had been eight million, they would have hit that number also.

The Administration seems to be good at using Common Core Math. And why not? It is trendy and very forgiving. For example, we were told no president in history has ever been re-elected with the unemployment over 8%. What to do? Come up with a way to drive the U3 unemployment down to 7.8% right before the election. Forget the fact that the U6 unemployment was still above 14% and many of the "jobs" that were created were seasonal or part time. Also forget the fact the jobs created and the jobs lost did not resemble each other in wages or benefits.

The quarterly GDP numbers also seem to bounce all over the place. I believe we will see yet another miracle in our "recovery" as we approach the 2014 midterms. Unemployment will drop again, GDP will rise again, and scores of millions will continue to sign up for the ACA. Once the election is over, the numbers will be "corrected". But who cares? Any help keeping the Senate in the hands of Harry Reid will be worth it. The Administration is counting heavily on "low information voters" staying in the low information strata.

The most amusing part of the Common Core Math is the President's approval rating. It has been going up as of late and is expected to continue to rise into November. And why is that? Is it the reset with Russia? Our victory in the war on terror? Our robust economy? Our crushing debt? Iran? North Korea? Benghazi? NSA? IRS? What then?

The bottom line is this - the numbers which come out of this Administration (and his loyal followers in the press) are meaningless. Let me repeat that last word - MEANINGLESS! Most are made up, tweaked, massaged, played with, or whatever. They are counting on a good part of the country being too stupid to notice the ruse. Unfortunately, they are right. The name of the game is control, and the only way control is obtained or maintained is victory at the polls. Numbers without merit are a great way to keep fooling the sheeple prior to elections.

So to those supporters of Common Core Math, I say this - good job. You have dumbed down the electorate so much many of us will believe or buy anything - regardless of the cost or consequences.

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