Saturday, October 8, 2016

Are all men pigs?

"Was I shocked to hear what Donald Trump said eleven years ago? Not one bit. Anybody who thinks Donald was a saint is very delusioned." 

Boys will be boys, guys will be guys. Once in a while some bravado talk will erupt. Some off-color jokes. Maybe even some dirty talk. Have I seen it? Many, many times by many, many different men. Usually however, as men age, this behavior lessens. For many, it evaporates. And to be totally fair, I have heard some salty language from gals from time to time also.

Was I shocked to hear what Donald Trump said eleven years ago? Not one bit. Anybody who thinks Donald was a saint is very delusioned. Using the common vernacular, Donald was (or maybe still is), a "player". Some might say a big time"player". Do I condone what he said? Not one bit. Have I said rude and crude things in the past? Yes, but not as rude and crude as what Trump said.

Here is the question. Where is the yardstick for behavior? Do we even have one? If we disqualified everyone for abhorrent behavior, we would now have the Dodd-Frank Bill. Maybe not. Why? They both committed vile sins will serving in Congress. Both would have been disqualified.

Jack Kennedy would have been impeached long before he was assassinated (remember Marilyn?). It seems he had a wandering eye also. And Lyndon Johnson? Or many of the older southern Democrats? Racist pigs in my book.

This is the biggest double standard in politics today. I will never forget when a leader of a woman's movement was asked about Bill Clinton's sexual picadillos. In particular, the fact he received oral sex from an intern. Her response to that question - "Because of what he has done for women, I would bl*w him myself". Now that was a show stopper!

I have been going round and round with a very cryptic social media friend. He refuses to believe me when I tell him that at the end of the day we are going to have a 45th President. And unless something extraordinary happens, it will be either Trump or Hillary. Trump who has lived a successful yet somewhat sordid life, or Hillary who has led a life full of deceit and lies.

Here is the bottom line. (Pay attention Don.) We will either elect a person who has said regretful things, or someone who has done regretful things. Donald Trump is the one who has said regretful things.

I would love to throw the first rock at Donald for saying what he said or did eleven years ago, but I cannot - for many reasons. First and foremost, I am not without sin. In addition, I have known other men (very successful) who have said worse. Not excusing it - just explaining it. As for Hillary, she dealt with life and death issues in Benghazi. There are no vile words that can match her actions which led to the loss of four innocent Americans.

I say buckle up friends - there will be more coming. On both sides. The MSM (who is part of the DNC) has more just waiting for the right time to release. And so might the Russians.

As for me, I am used to doing dirty laundry. I clean it up all the time. I am ready for more. 


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