Friday, October 28, 2016

Scaring the crap out of people!

"None of them are in the position to stop Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump could have been. That is, if millions of Republicans had not decided to sit this one out."

Boo! It is me, the Very Angry Bird! And I scare the crap out of people! Really? No, not really. However, I was told that yesterday. Specifically, I was told by a social media friend that "people like me, scare the crap out of her." And she is not the only one. I have been having a running feud with another social media friend on the same issue. Which issue is that? Why, voting for Donald Trump, of course.

Let me replay the bidding just for a minute how I got to this place. When the list of candidates on the Republican side was long and "distinguished", I had made my choice very early in the process. It was for Ted Cruz. If I had to totem pole rank my choices when the field had 15 or so, Donald Trump would not have been in the top five. As we all know, as the field slowly whittled down, it was Donald Trump who was the last person standing. He would have to be the one to go up against Hillary Clinton.

Now, do I still wish it was were Ted Cruz instead of Donald Trump? Absolutely. Trump had some things I liked about him, but there were too many warts and bruises to put him in my top five. However, that was then and this is now. And now the choice is binary. You can forget Gary Johnson, Jill Stein or Evan McMullin. None of them are in the position to stop Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump could be. That is, if millions of Republicans don't decide to sit this one out.

Truthfully, I am sick to death of this "principled" argument for not voting for Trump. I am a pragmatist. I know that a vote (or non-vote) for ANYONE else than Trump is one more for Hillary. She could ride into Washington after winning in a landslide with the mistaken illusion she won a mandated election. But there will be no mandate. 

And now I will tell what really and truly scares the crap out of me. I wrote about this yesterday. Baring a miracle of almost biblical proportions, we are going to have Queen Hillary for the next four years. And it is going to be hell. There will be civil unrest. Unending hearings on the Hill. More revelations of wrong doing while at State. More young women sullied in the East Wing of the White House by Slick Willie. Bottom line - it will make the eight years of Obama look like Nirvana. 

I will ask this one more time of the "Never Trump" crowd. If this election involves plugging your nose at the ballot box, please consider doing it. Trump may be a good President, possibly a great one, or he could stink to high heaven. We simply don't know. We do however, know all about Queen Hillary. Think about that. Time is very short.  

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