Monday, October 17, 2016

The magic of Bill

"The best part of Bill is that his history was known even before his first term as President. And guess what? Nobody of the Left seemed to give a fig."

Howdy! Yahoo! Man oh man, you have to hand it to this good old boy! He does know how to do it and get away with (I was going to say murder) extra curricular sex! Yes sir! He has sullied more young ladies (while he was married) and got away with it. How in the world did he do it? And how can he still be such a skirt chaser at his age (thank goodness for a bunch of those little blue pills)? Putting him next to Trump makes the Donald look like a choir boy for sure.

The best part of Bill is that his history was known even before his first term as President. And guess what? Nobody of the Left seemed to give a fig. Nope. Bill and Hillary were STAUNCH supporters of Margret Sanger and the abortionists at Planned Parenthood. In fact, they might have even supported the killing of the unborn until they were born and maybe three months after. Who cares? Having a baby when it is not convenient is only a health care issue.

Sorry - back to the story. So Bill comes (so to speak) into the White House and takes his wanderlust with him. So the story continues - and continue until the young intern with the soiled dress came around. Bill had some explaining to do with that one! No worries however - some of the "feminists" said they would "B**w him myself for what he and Hillary have done for women!" Translation - that the Clintons condone the killing of the unborn.

Let us for just a minute compare Bill to Donald Trump. Whereas Bill Clinton's exploits have been well known and documented for decades, Trump's accusers have only recently surfaced - like in the last month. Hmmm - nothing to do with the election, I am sure.

Donald Trump thinks the election is rigged, partly because of the media. What? I say this - Donald could change all of that. Simply come out as more pro-abortion than the Clintons. For example, abortion would not only be legal the first three trimesters, but maybe five years thereafter. The media and the Left would adore him, AND - they would overlook any womanizing he has done in his past.

Yes - that is the magic of Bill. And to a degree, the magic of Hillary. If you can put your morality in check for just a bit, the Clintons don't look too bad! However, if you have a soul and a spine, the Clintons might still be a bridge too far.

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