Wednesday, October 12, 2016

War drums beating?

"If Putin's recent moves were made to scare us or make us unsettled, he is doing a good job. It has not been since the depths of the Cold War that I have had this sense of nervousness."

What in the world is going on with Russia? Better question - what in the world happened to our "reset button" then SOS Hillary Clinton gave to Sergei Lavrov? Was the reset to put us on the brink of war with the Russians? I will say this much - while we were not dancing partners with the Russians during the Bush Administration, we were not at each other throats either.

If Putin's recent moves were made to scare us or make us unsettled, he is doing a good job. It has not been since the depths of the Cold War that I have had this sense of nervousness. First, Putin mandates a huge civil defense drill - about 40 million Russians were affected. Then today, it was announced that Mother Russia is calling all dependents of Russians serving overseas, or going to school overseas, back home.

Have I been sound asleep? What is the issue here? Is it just Syria? For the love of Pete, are Obama, Kerry and Clinton going to take us to the brink of Armageddon over a thug like Assad? What ever happened to a treaty agreement between Russia and the United States to take on our common enemy (that be the Islamic Terrorists)? Does Putin see us that weakened right now so he can make a global play? To test our mettle?

Are we about to see the other side of the coin which says "Peace through strength"? Where the other side might say "War due to weakness"? I am not making excuses for anything that Russia  has done in the recent past. By the same token, we have not been choirboys in the Middle East either. That being said, I would like to see Obama swallow his enormous pride, and invite Putin to Camp David to bring down the temperature a bit between our two countries.

No President Obama, our greatest national threat is not man-made global warming. It is having a preventable war with a nuclear nation. Just a reminder - with Russia and the United States having over 4,000 nuclear warheads each, a nuclear exchange would be a ELE (that would be an extinction level event). NOBODY would survive very long, no mater how deep they are buried in bunkers. We need re-familiarize ourselves with terms like EMP, megaton, nuclear winter, and slow death by radiation poisoning.

Let's hope the news does not get any worse. While many ears are tuned into the language that Donald Trump uses, the much bigger story is happening overseas. We need to pay attention over there also. Our lives might depend on it.    

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