Monday, August 17, 2020

An uneasy peace?


"Minneapolis is now living with an uneasy peace. That peace could come unraveled at any time, for any reason."

How are things going right now in Minneapolis? Remember that place? The hub of all the unrest which started after the George Floyd incident? I don't think any of us, especially the ones who grew up here, could ever forget those four nights of riots and mayhem. The nights in which the lawless mob, laid waste to so many businesses. The nights in which the same mob, attacked, ransacked, and burned the MPD Third Precinct headquarters building to the ground. 

After the contagion spread across the country, things started to die out in Minneapolis. And uneasy peace settled in. Some say the only reason for this uneasy peace, was everything they could burn, they already did burn. Kind of like, why bomb Dresden anymore, after you already fire bombed it. But then this weekend, a new target was hit. The Fifth Precinct building. It was egged, rocked, and spray painted. A mere brush compared to what happened in the Third Precinct. But there is a deeper story here.

The people who did this to the Fifth, as well as the Third, are not protesters. They are a well trained, and well funded group of terrorists, who specialize in asymmetrical warfare. A warfare against law enforcement. When the cops came out of the building to try and stop this mayhem, they were met with commercial grade fireworks aimed at them. Fortunately, no police were injured - this time. By the time reinforcements arrived from other precincts, the mutts causing this attack had fled into the night. So far, no arrests have been made.

Let this sink in for a minute. In a city the size of Minneapolis, you can attack a police station and get away with it. In some cities which had fires and damage caused by misfits, the squishy socialist sympathizers who run those cities, have refused to charge the guilty. They let them go, so they can riot and destroy, once again.

In our world turned upside down, police have become the villains, and the rioters have become the heroes. On the news this morning, a recent poll in Minneapolis had some interesting results. First, two our of three residents in Minneapolis have an unfavorable view of the police. Second, the residents trust the clowns on the Minneapolis City Council more than the Mayor. I thought that would have been a tie - for last place. Finally, even though the residents don't care for their police force, the majority don't agree with unfunding them.

Minneapolis is now living with an uneasy peace. That peace could come unraveled at any time, for any reason. Next year, when the four cops are tried (at the same time), the outcome of that trial could be the match which starts a much bigger bonfire. When the decision was made by the DA to try the four cops all at once, it might have opened the door for an unintended consequence. Some of the best defense lawyers in the upper mid-west are representing the four former officers. Together, this group of defense attorneys are probably the most powerful dream team, since the O.J. Simpson trial. And we all remember how that trial ended.

In any event, our cities have become quite the spectacle for all to see. This is what the world looks like, when there is either no law, nor any effort to enforce the laws which exist. To control this contagion, a powerful antidote is needed. One which has not been used as yet. And until it is used, the lawlessness will continue to subdue the lawful. What is that antidote? I think most of us know.  



1 comment:

  1. The officers were over-charged to begin with, with a likely acquittal coming. THEN the new evidence emerged from the ME who said he Floyd died of fentanyl, and video of him saying "I can't breath" while still standing beside the squad. The ME says he did NOT die from his neck restraint. Oh, there will be riots, but it won't be about "justice." It never was.
