Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Jedi Knights vs. the Sith Lords

"The Jedi Knights will move this nation forward into a future which will be bright for all. The Sith Lords on the other hand, offer no future."

Okay. I could not help myself. I know the title of this sounds a bit corny, but this is what has come to mind this week, after seeing most of the RNC, and all of the DNC. The difference between the two parties has gone from shades of gray (decades ago), to absolute black and white (today). One party harbors the guardians of the light, and the other are the purveyors of darkness. One party is trying to preserve the America as founded, and the other party is trying to turn America into something unrecognizable. This is my version of the Jedi Knights against the Sith Lords. It could not be more cut and dried than that.

The Sith Lords (aka, the socialist Democrats), had four nights of darkness during the DNC. Many have been seduced by the Siths on the dark side - the media, education, Hollywood, Antifa, BLM, atheists, anarchists, and so forth. Once the urban minions lost any sense of their history or civics, they became easy targets for the Sith regime. Their numbers grew, and their vision darkened. Cities in our great nation started to burn. Police were painted as villains, rather than the heroes they really are. Looting became "normal", as entitlement grew to mean everyone gets everything. The world of the Sith became dark and foreboding.

Then this week, the Jedi Knights (aka, the conservatives, patriots and citizens), burst on the scene. For the past three nights, we heard from Americans, who had a wonderful stories to tell. How America looks under President Donald J. Trump. The stories of how President has impacted and affected people, were numerous and wonderful.

Rather than apologize for this great nation, President Trump has tried to make this great nation even greater. The Sith Lords however, have been out to destroy his Presidency. They continue to throw shade on this great President, trying to snuff out his light, with their darkness.

The Jedi Knights are the party of life - life from the time of conception until the moment of natural death. They are the party of freedom and liberty - they eschew all tyranny, foreign and especially domestic. Equal opportunity is the Jedi Knight's call to arms - the Sith Lords on the other hand, promise equal outcomes to all - regardless of ingenuity or effort. The Jedi's still see America as that shining city on the hill, bathed in opportunity and promise. The Sith Lords only see America as the land of rich robber barons, controlling millions of laborers, hopeless and impoverished, with barely enough to eat.

If you are undecided who to vote for this November, I encourage you to go to YouTube, and watch each speech from each convention all over again. If you are of fair mind, the answer to whom to vote for should be clearer than obvious. The Jedi Knights will move this nation forward into a future which will be bright for all. The Sith Lords on the other hand, offer no future. Our once great and glorious republic, will be relegated to the ash heap of history. That is, if history is even taught anymore.     

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