Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy? Nope!

"Is this ticket of Biden/Harris going to be the new Guardians of the Galaxy? Not hardly. However, the Democrats will be out in record numbers come November. They will look to oust Trump/Pence, and replace them with Biden/Harris. It is up to us to ensure that does not happen."   

Not to give anyone indigestion this early in the morning, but ponder this. Should the Democrats take the White House, and retain Congress, the succession chain to the big chair will look like this: Biden, Harris, Pelosi. Now that I have your attention, don't forget to vote in November. We can easily win this race, if none of us stay home. If however we do stay home, President Trump will be a one and done, and America will be a much different (and not better) place come 2021.

How is this Democrat ticket shaping up now, that Joe Biden has made his choice? To start with, they are both phonies and opportunists. Birds of a feather. Few will forget that Harris, early in her career, slept with Willie Brown to get ahead. Harris was in her twenties, and Brown was sixty - and married. But so what? That is a badge of honor with the Democrats. With the ancient age of Biden, as well as his progressing dementia, Harris might end up in the White House before 2025. Let that sink in for a minute. 

What does Harris stand for? If you can believe half what she says, she favors a much smaller military. Fewer cops. More taxes. Abortion on demand. Open borders. Free healthcare for illegals. The list goes on and on and on. And what will Biden stand for? Whatever Harris tells him to. With Biden becoming more and more mixed up and confused, he will be the puppet, and Harris will be the one pulling his strings.

I can't even imagine what the Biden/Harris cabinet would look like. Nadler as AG? Karen Bass as our UN Ambassador? Schiff as the Secretary of Defense? The talent pool of nitwits is deep and wide for the Democrats. All the good things Donald Trump has done for America will be undone in a wink and a nod. Our National Debt will go up like a Saturn Five rocket, and the Democrats will be spending like drunks in a bar on a Friday night.

For those who want to criticize Biden's choice of choosing a woman of mixed race, be warned. The Democrats have trolls set up just waiting to out you, and to doxx you. Harris will be considered off limits. Kind of like Obama was. If you criticized his policies, you were a racist. Criticize Harris, and you will be a racist AND a sexist. Just go along, come along. It is going to be a long ride.

Will the ticket of Biden/Harris going to be the new Guardians of the Galaxy? Not hardly. However, the Democrats will be out in record numbers come November. They will look to oust Trump/Pence, and replace them with Biden/Harris. It is up to us to ensure that does not happen.   

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