Sunday, August 23, 2020

Proud Boys standing in the Gap?

"The table is set for social unrest like this country has not seen for decades - maybe ever. Once the election is over, if you think Antifa is going away, you are fooling yourself."

If anyone wanted to get a sneak peek at how our new civil war was going to look, they need look no further than Portland. I mean, it was only a matter of time before something like this was bound to happen. Just like with the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story, two rival gangs were going at it yesterday up in Portland. Only, this was not part of a movie. This is real life, in this most unreal year of 2020. The Proud Boys and Antifa, faced off against each other.

Now I confess, I don't know a lot about the Proud Boys. So, I have done some research. The Proud Boys have a website. I have looked at their core values on their website. Without going into great detail on their core values, let me sum it up this way - the Proud Boys are the ying to Antifa's yang. They are the new pioneers, the new unelected sheriffs in town. They are a product, a result of this age of social unrest and mayhem. They refer to themselves as "Western Chauvinists". As anti-Trump as Antifa is, that is as pro-Trump the Proud Boys are.

The weapons of war that Antifa uses are the same as what are used against the cops. Baseball bats, fireworks, lasers, urine, feces, paint, bleach and so forth. The Proud Boys come armed with paintball guns, mace, and bats. Both sides are dressed in combat gear. But the Proud Boys have something in their favor that the local cops do not. They are not afraid of being video taped or fired. They don't need to stand there and "take it" from the misfits. They can punch back harder than they were punched. Frankly, it is a miracle then the Proud Boys and Antifa (or BLM) mix it up, nobody has been killed or seriously hurt.

Actually, there are many of us on the right who have grown very weary of seeing Antifa carry the day in our cities. Last night it was Denver's turn. Breaking glass, fires, flag burning, and so forth. The cops were able to arrest nine perps, although the number of trouble makers far exceeded nine. And who knows if these nine will even be charged.

I think our police forces need help right now. They are exhausted, outnumbered, and quite often, un-supported by their city leaders. They arrest bad guys, and then some pencil necked DA refuses to charge them. "They are just a bunch of peaceful kids exercising their First Amendment Rights". Bull crap! They are rioters and thugs! If the socialists running these cities won't take care of Antifa, maybe the Proud Boys will.

The table is set for social unrest like this country has not seen for decades - maybe ever. Once the election is over, if you think Antifa is going away, you are fooling yourself. In fact, there is a rumor Antifa will start more trouble in many of our cities this week, just to upstage the RNC. 

War is coming. In fact, war may already be here. Our police forces who uphold the law, are the ones who always keep war from happening in our cities. However, when our police forces are neutered, de-funded, or eliminated - then it becomes warlord against warlord. That is what is happening now. It is morons like Bill de Blasio who have caused this. Remember that, when the ship really hits the sand. And most importantly - remember that in November.       


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