Saturday, August 29, 2020

Trump Country!

"Why vote for the President? Look around. The folks up here see a guy from the business world who has not been bought. He is running against a guy who has been bought by everyone."

Okay - the Bird has been on assignment this weekend. Shortly after the conclusion of the RNC (what a closing night!), the fam and I headed north to see if Trump Country was for real. Living close to the burned out wreck of a city once called the City of Lakes, with all the blue kool aid drinkers who still live there, I needed to find out what life was like outside the "bubble". And we did.

On the way up to Park Rapids, it was like driving on the Trump highway. Dozens and dozens of signs, flags, and bumper stickers for the President. In addition, there were some for Pete (CD 8) and Jason (US Senate). Once in a great while you would see a lonely Biden sign which had a yellow sign next to it saying, "Vote of the country, not for the person". My response? Good idea! That is what we are doing. Only this person will preserve the country as well.

What happened to Rand Paul and his wife was terrible. But it could have not be scripted better. After the President's speech (which talked about the lawlessness in our large cities), to have these mutts and thugs try and accost a United States Senator, worked totally against the socialists. They are mutts and thugs, and there is now is video tape to prove it. Trump said he is going to give those four cops who protected the Rands, some kind of medal at the White House. And no doubt he will.

The cities suck right now. It is not just Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, or New York. Most are  being run by idiots. HOWEVER - in the heartland, you do not have that problem. Government is still by the people, and for the people. Folks still know the value of a dollar earned, is a dollar kept. Our President has the wealth to say one term might be enough, and then go live in one of these out state paradises. But he will not. He is a believer in this country, both urban and rural. He will run again, against the statist Biden, win large, and continue to take this country to greater heights.

Why vote for the President? Look around. The folks up here see a guy from the business world who has not been bought. He is running against a guy who has been bought by everyone. Biden has played the Washington game longer than some who are reading this have been alive. Biden will take this country back to Obama-vile. "S**t City", as some say. That may be okay for some, but not the patriots and citizens. You know - the folks who grow our food and make this country work?

As much as I supported Donald Trump before this trip, I can double that right now. This is good vs. evil, Jedi vs. Sith, normal vs. abnormal. To survive, we must go forward, To thrive, we must go forward. To lose what we have, we only need vote Biden. And we ain't going to let that happen. We have too much at stake.  

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