Saturday, August 1, 2020

Oh gee, 5g? Is it coming?

"By the way, the skies will soon get even more crowded. It is not just Bezos and Musk. It is also Canada, the UK, Russia, and China. All want satellites which will create their own 5g network." 

In the middle of this pandemic, the social unrest, the abrupt slowdown of our economy, it is hard to find any news which does not address those topics. And trust me, many of us would love to get back to normal news. Well, here is some technology news. It is about your cell phone and the internet. Yes, yes, I know. We have been hearing about this for years. But now it is getting to be "no kidding" for real. 5g. If it is safe, or if it is a Trojan Horse, it is coming and coming fast (and it will be fast also).

There are a lot of reasons why 5g gets the geeks so excited. Latency and IoT. This increase in speed, and reduction of latency time, will open doors which have been closed. It will allow the internet to be about as close to "real time" as possible. It will allow the Internet of Things (IoT) to really take off. In other words, as the world is trying to navigate through this relentless COVID - 19 attack, real change is coming to the world of technology. 

Our two whiz kids (Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos) are knee deep in this stuff. As I have addressed before, Musk has been launching satellites like crazy to support his developing Star Link network. He is on track to have part of North America covered by 5g using this new network by the end of this year. By the end of next year, all of the United States, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico should be covered. Soon, Star Link will cover the entire world. 12,000 satellites strong. No dead spots. Reduced latency for all users. 

While Musk is launching satellites like crazy, Bezos will soon be right behind him. Project Kuiper will launch about 3,200 satellites to do the same thing Musk's satellites will be doing - providing 5g to just about every square mile on Earth. Assuming that COVID - 19 does not wipe out the human race, by the time we get to 2025, how we do anything and everything with data will look a whole lot different.

By the way, the skies will soon get even more crowded. It is not just Bezos and Musk. It is also Canada, the UK, Russia, and China. All want satellites which will create their own 5g network. All of which, and probably more (Facebook?), will be operational by 2025.

Don't worry - I have not forgotten the dark side of the equation. Like, is 5g safe? The science on this gets very thick, so I won't go into it. Forbes did an article last November, and cited many reputable sources. Conclusion - 5g is not harmful to humans (where have we heard that before?) In any event, safe or not, it is coming. Not just by a select few, it will be a global phenom. People will get rich, jobs will be created, and God willing, we will not be opening Pandora's Box. 


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