Friday, August 14, 2020

Liberal Logic

"Here is my bottom line. This nation will NEVER heal until we can have a kumbaya and agree that ALL lives matter. The value of one live is exactly the same as the value of any other life."

I have decided that even at my age, I need to go back to school. There is a very important part of my education which I am missing. I have tried to figure this out on my own, but come up empty each and every time. How to understand liberal logic. I think a great place to start, is why so many on the loony left back this organization called BLM. Even Dolly Parton came out the other day and said, "Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter?" Liberal logic, strikes again.

The narrative is that young black men are singled out by police and executed. All of them innocent and unarmed. Well here are the facts from 2019. 13 unarmed blacks were killed by the police nation wide. Now true, one is one too many. But 13 is a very small number compared to the other ways black people die every year.

Before I continue, a word about abject racism as will as institutional racism. Even though this country is doing better than it did decades ago, we are not there as yet. We need to fix that. All of us. Regardless of color, sex or religion - we need to fix it. And the government can't fix it - they broke it in the 60's. We the people, can and should fix it.

Many times I have been invited by signs to care about black lives. Sold. In fact, I was not sold because of the signs. I have cared about black lives, as well as all other American lives, for many years now. I took an oath to protect and defend all Americans - regardless of religion, race or sex. However, that rings hollow with the "woke" crowd. Especially those who have "white guilt" or "white fragility". They want us all to adopt the narrative that the only blacks who are killed, are unarmed, innocent, and executed by the police. Sorry - the facts don't support that narrative.

Here is what I think. First off, way, way too many young black males are killed. Mostly by other young black men. Check the stats. This is true. Secondly, many of us have fallen into the trap which Margaret Sanger set many years ago. Young black babies are being exterminated at an alarming rate. And yes, I care about those young black babies also. But we can't talk about the 19 million America black babies who have been ripped from their mother's womb since 1973. Just like with the slaughter of young black men in our big blue cities, the "woke" crowd won't allow us address the millions of black babies who have been killed before they could draw their first breath.

So what does the sign, Black Lives Matter really mean? I dare say that 99% of the population would agree that black lives matter as much as brown lives, yellow lives, white lives, or what ever other color lives. All lives are a gift from God. We were made in His image. To say that black lives do not matter, would be an affront to God. Nobody wants the carnage of young black men in our big cities, especially Chicago, continue. It needs to end - NOW.

A final word about the 13 young, unarmed black men who were killed by the police last year. I am not letting them off the hook. If these killings were in fact murder or manslaughter, then the guilty cops should be punished. The vast majority of cops are good, real good people. Heroes. But a small percentage might now be. As the saying goes, one bad apple does not mean the entire bushel is bad. 

Here is my bottom line. This nation will NEVER heal until we can have a kumbaya and agree that ALL lives matter. The value of one live is exactly the same as the value of any other life. If anyone states something different than that, that person should be shunned. But this will never happen so long as the "woke" liberal logic continues to be as back assward as it is. 


1 comment:

  1. Just getting to "All black lives matter" would be a tremendous improvement. These idiots, or anarchists, or criminals, take your pick, want to use the 13 as cover for their antics, and don't want to talk about the literal millions of other black lives, including those they themselves ruin.
