Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Orange Man Bad (Again)

"So what has made the play book this year, other than 'Orange Man Bad'? Ready? 'Joe is good'. Yep - that is it. Two chapters. 'Orange Man Bad', and 'Joe is Good'."

For those who might not know as yet, this is the week of the Democrat National Convention. It would be easy not to know it is going on for a number of reasons. The primary reason? B-O-R-I-N-G. It can put an insomniac to sleep in minutes. I have watch a little of it (heavy on the word "little"), and it was very close to sanctioned torture. The theme is suppose to be "Building Back Better" (whatever the Sam Hill that means), but in reality, the only theme is once again "Orange Man Bad".

Last night, the clown car continued. The best part was they even had the ghost of Bill Clinton speak. The ghost? What? Had to have been his ghost, because no living person could look or sound that bad. Whatever it was, a re-animated Clinton, or a hologram thereof, it was really a stroke of bad timing, and a bad choice, for the Dems. Why? Too many open questions about "the island" - and I don't mean Gilligan's Island. The "Me Too" crowd must have been biting their collective lips while he was on.

Did anyone notice the strong condemnation the Democrats had for the violence which is now gripping our cities? ANYONE? No - because it did not happen. That subject is not in the Democrat play book. Just like sexual misdeeds, ranging from peccadilloes to assaults. That NEVER makes the Democrat play book either. Nor does a candidate's plagiarisms. So what has made the play book this year, other than "Orange Man Bad"? Ready for this one? "Joe is good". Yep - that is it. Two chapters. "Orange Man Bad", and "Joe is Good".

Tonight, the Great Divider will speak - better known as Barack Hussein Obama. It will be the same crapola we have heard from him, time and time again. Globalism is good, national interests are bad. Iran is good, Israel is bad. After hearing the Great Divider's other half speak the first night, I am tingling with expectations on what he will say. Well, actually I am not. His stick has worn very thin with me years ago. 

One of the things which has been repeated by the Democrat minions over and over and over again, is beyond stupid and false. "Donald Trump has used the office of the President only to better and enrich himself." Really? He is one of the very few who have gone to Washington, and had his or her net worth diminish instead of go up like a rocket. The Clinton's became rich, the Obama's became rich, the Pelosi's became rich(er), as did the Kerry's. Meanwhile, President Trump has not made a dime being President. His entire salary is donated. 

I don't think I can watch it tonight. I might be at my limit. In other words, my BS filter is full, and can't take anymore. Maybe ESPN will have reruns of "Bowling for Dollars". That would be a better use of my time.  

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