Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The end of our beginning?

"The time has come folks to see things for what they are. We are in danger right now - a clear and present danger, of losing the helm. Of having our country as we know it - end." 

By all world standards, America is a very young country. Just a child in epoch terms. However, this "child" has done some amazing things in its almost 250 years of life. From the Revolutionary War, to WWI, to WW2, and then to the Cold War, America has saved the world from itself. It has saved the world from tyranny. It has produced some of the greatest inventions and corporations the world has ever seen. As wonderful as things have been, they could be even better for this great country once we come out of the pandemic. Or - we could be facing the end of our beginning.

This November, as most of us know, will be the election which will be for all the marbles. If the Democrats sweep the country, it will be all over but the shouting. Think I am kidding? Want to see what 100% Democrat control will look like since they became socialists instead of Democrats? Look at Minneapolis, where even the dog catcher is a socialist. Soon, the socialists will get rid of the cops, and replace them with yoga teachers and social workers. Want to be a career criminal? Come to Minneapolis. The city leaders have instructed the citizens to just hand over their wallets to the thugs. It will be Katy bar the door.

Minneapolis and St. Paul are quickly devolving into something worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. More and more city officials are publicly denouncing God. Some on the left coast are even burning Bibles in the street. Hedonism, selfishness, disrespect for any type of authority, and worse - could be coming to every city and town in America. With "Sleepy Joe" as POTUS, with a radical socialist for Veep, the clock would be ticking until Joe steps down or is removed. Then we will become Venezuela, Cuba, or worse. 

I have said this before. Right now, President Trump is acting like the Little Dutch Boy with little help from anyone else in Washington. Every finger on both hands, are plugging holes in the dike. Holes the dike the Democrats have caused.

To ensure the death of America, Democrats need this country to collapse from within. Then it will be ready for America 2.0. And America 2.0 will look NOTHING like our America. Our shining city on a hill, will be replaced by a dark and brooding Gotham. 

Here is what I find interesting about today's polling. Many, if not all, of the polls show the President behind "Sleepy Joe". Why? Who knows. It is not like Republicans need to paint a picture for how bad things would get if Biden is elected. That picture is already painted, live and in color. It can be seen in just about every big blue city in America. And we as a country would vote for more of that? God help us is we do.

The time has come folks to see things for what they are. We are in danger right now - a clear and present danger, of losing the helm. Of having our country as we know it - end. The new America, America 2.0, Biden's America, will go on. But this country, the country the world has come to love an depend on, will be no more.

America will no longer be shining with the colors of freedom and liberty, the colors of red, white and blue. The new colors will be black and red - the colors of Antifa. Hope will be all but lost.
And freedom and liberty will not even be found in history books, as history books will no longer exist.  

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