Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Another view?

"None of us saw this speed bump coming - but it is here. It is here, but will not be here forever. Time to get back to our future quest. We have been knocked down, but it is time to get up, dust ourselves off, and move forward." 

On the news this morning, an economist said when we really start to come out of this, and people return to work in earnest, some jobs will not be there anymore. I thought about that for a bit. Is that going to be a good thing, or a bad thing? Futurists have already told us that over the next ten years, over 75% to 85% of the jobs we will have, will be ones which don't yet exist. Maybe with all the bad which is coming out of this COVID crap, a glimmer of hope would be this journey to new and better jobs, might just be kick started. 

Already I can see things changing. I think the field of virology is going to take off like a rocket. We are learning, and going to learn much more, about this virus. Not only this virus, but the next unexpected virus to come along. We are going to learn how to come up with better and more abundant PPE. We are going to create the new life saying system which will replace the ventilator. Just like the ventilator replaced the old iron lung, the next thing to come along will be better, less invasive, and have a much better outcome rating.

People like Elon Musk are already thinking ahead of this virus thing. He is considering what is next. His Starlink Program is still going forward. So far he has put over 400 satellites in orbit, and is marching along the path to launch 12,000 to finish the job. It will revolutionize the internet - worldwide. He is also in talks with Tom Cruise about filming a movie on location in outer space. Like on the ISS. Is Musk in basement cowering? Has he given up hope? Not a bit. 

Then we have bringing it all back home. We will never be able to on-shore all our off-shore manufacturing - but we will reclaim much of it. What we are finding out is this - having control over our food and pharmaceuticals (at a minimum), is a national security issue. We will figure out a way to process our food, and make our pills in a better, cheaper, and safer way. To make America more independent again (from a world trade perspective), there will be opportunities which are yet to come. Trade deals will be better and more fair, and never again will we be held ransom by a foreign power (like - not getting enough PPE).

There is an old saying. You will never be judged by the number of times you get knocked down - you will be judged on how fast you get back up. The past couple months, we have really been knocked down. We have been told to cower and fear by some of our fearful politicians. Others are telling us not to fear. To be strong. That we will get through this. We will lose some people to this disease, and that really sucks. We might even lose a loved one, and that will be horrible. But most of us will make it through to the other side. Even the ones who get this crap - the vast majority of those will make it through.

Louis Pasteur said many years ago, that "chance favors the prepared mind". It is time start preparing our minds for the path forward. None of us saw this speed bump coming - but it is here. It is here, but will not be here forever. Time to get back to our future quest. We have been knocked down, but it is time to get up, dust ourselves off, and move forward. 


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