Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Summertime vs the Pandemic

"Am I ready for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer? Oh yes I am. All of us should be. the days of this pandemic have been wearing on us. To come right from winter and then into the pandemic has really sucked. Time for fun now. Time for summer."

Today, we are just hours away from people experiencing the first holiday of the summer session. For many, Memorial Day IS the start of summer. Even though school has been over for the kiddos for a while now, and one out of five are still in search for what happened to their job, Memorial Day is the start of the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Everything is going to be great, except for, well you know - the pandemic.

Actually, the pandemic can be the wet blanket which will spread over our summer fun. Or, we can ignore it and take our chances. Or, we can try to experience as much as a "normal" summer as possible, while still being careful. Our family is going to try for the third option. We wait too long in Minnesota, put up with too many dark, cold and lifeless days, to just write a summer off.

We got an email yesterday from Delta Airlines. Telling us about summer travel, for those who feel it is time once again to venture onto an airplane. Since the pandemic began, few industries have taken a bigger "hit" than the airline industry. Travel has been way down - like 5% of what it should be. So Delta is offering this - no aisle seats (oh, do I wish that had come years ago!), only 60% capacity, and everyone needs to wear a face mask. Now the trick will be so see how many are ready to sit in a no fun airplane for three hours, which might look more like a hospital ward than the ads of old.

Our family is contemplating a trip out west this summer. But then comes the next hurdle. The next bridge of trust. We would need to stay in motels, since our family long ago outgrew camping. There always has been suspicions on how "clean" your motel room really is (never use the black light test - you might vomit!), but today, we also need to be concerned about something which is still invisible. And can kill. So when we check into a motel or hotel, we need to cross that bridge of trust. When they say the rooms have been sanitized to prevent COVID - 19, we will need to believe them.

Anyway - I digress. This summer will be wonderful for many of us. For those brave enough, it could be a summer similar to many in our pasts. Memorable and fun. For those who believe the panic merchants on the boob tube every day, or our state government, it might be better to stay huddled in your basement. However, remember this. Even with a lot of things shut down, there are many things to do right here in the five state region. Fun things - summer things. Many so close, they can easily turn into day trips.

Am I ready for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer? Oh, yes I am. All of us should be. The days of this pandemic have been wearing on us. To come right from winter and then into the pandemic has really sucked. Time for fun now. Time for summer. Time to get ready for Memorial Day weekend.  

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