Saturday, May 9, 2020

Keep on truckin!

"But this new virus is like a new pothole in the road of life. We now know about it, we can see it, and we know what we can do to increase the chances of avoiding it. And avoiding it does not mean stopping or going in reverse. If means going around it. Living our lives." 

Okay. This will be a bit of a throwback for all you baby boomers. This was one of the mottoes, the creeds, that many of us lived by. No matter what happened, we needed to put one foot in front of the other. We needed to keep on going. Not to stop. Not to go back. Heck, most of the time it was not even to rest for a while. We needed to "keep on truckin!" What has changed in America in the past few decades? Not much. Many of us still want to "keep on truckin!" 

When the government told us to leave our places of employment, stay home, maybe hide out in the bunker - how did that work out for us? Not well. For a generation who was brought up under the banner of "keep on truckin!", to stay put, to do nothing, to cower, did not mesh. Not being able to see our friends, our loved ones, not being able to hug our grandies, that was for the birds. This bunch of rebels, many of which are grandparents, collectively said, "NO MORE!" We want our lives back. We still want to "keep on truckin!"

Many of us were born without a rear view mirror -  only a windshield. Our bodies don't have a reverse on our gear shift - not even a park. Only a drive. So we can go fast and faster yet. From the time we got out of school, the road ahead has seldom been as smooth as glass, but it was a road. It had a direction - forward. Who ever came up with the saying that life is not about the destination, but rather the journey, knew what he or she was talking about. Most of our journeys have been filled with puts and takes, ups and downs, smiles and tears, successes and failures. But we always kept going forward. That was the road. We "kept on truckin!"

Do we have a new virus to deal with right now? Yes, we do. We have had new viruses in the past, and we will probably have some more in the future. But this new virus is like a new pothole in the road of life. We now know about it, we can see it, and we know what we can do to increase our chances of avoiding it. And avoiding it does not mean stopping or going in reverse. If means going around it. Being careful, yet living our lives. Going to work. Worshiping together. Shopping. Heck, getting a haircut! Potholes or no potholes, we will "keep on truckin!" Why? That is who we are. That is what we are all about.

Our government has done its job. Thank you very much. You have informed us, and that is great. Now leave us alone. Let us live our lives. Let us "keep in truckin!" Why? Because if we can't "keep on truckin", this great American Experiment will not be able to "keep on truckin" either. And that is when everything stops.

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