Monday, May 4, 2020

The two year trudge

"Time to get back to it folks. Time to get back on this two year trudge with conviction and purpose. We WILL get through this. We will get to the other side. We WILL make the Chinese pay for this - and pay dearly. Time to live our lives. Go hug your loved ones. Go to church. Get to work. This is America, damn it. Time to act like it once again."   

More and more medical and virus professionals, who have significant cred, are now saying the same thing. This virus, this COVID - 19 (or as Epoch Times call it, "Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) virus, is going to hang around for two years. That means, we not only have to endure this current wave, but also the next predicted wave, and whatever waves to follow. Plus - our reward for being good little boys and girls for the next two years is this - we are being told 60 to 70% of us are going to get it anyhow. Oh, joy.

The question then, which is vexing the President as well as many other of our leaders is simply this - how in the world do we get back to some kind of normal while this CCP virus is still with us? As the President said yesterday, "We have to start opening up our colleges, our places of work. If we don't start bringing back our country, we will have no country to bring back after this virus is over." BINGO Mr. President!

How then, are we going to make it through this two year trudge? It all gets back to the risk vs. reward thing. Our reward is keeping our country. Our real country. And trust me, the country we have right now, which is mostly shut down, is not the real country we want to keep. We want the country back that we started the year with. We want to go to work, go to church, go to sporting events, hug our loved ones, and so forth. But to do that, will entail some risk. Like maybe getting the CCP virus. And yes, a very small percentage of us who get this virus, might get real sick. An even smaller percentage of us might even die from it. But that is the risk.

My feeling is we go through these next two years by threading the needle. Open everything up, get back to as normal as possible, but do it wisely. We all know the rules of the game by now. What to do, what not to do. Will we have to change the way we do things at work? In many cases, yes. But we can do it. Can we open up our places to eat, places to shop, places to worship again? Yes, we can. But, maybe with some changes. There is a big divide between cowering like children in our basements, or throwing caution to the wind. If we are smart, we can live like citizens, not subjects. We can get paychecks, not stimulus checks. We can live our lives, not just exist from day to day.

What can we do to protect ourselves as much as possible while we live our lives? Keep our resistance up to all diseases by eating well, sleeping well, exercising well, and getting as much sunlight as possible. This virus, like most viruses, acts like a vampire in direct sunlight. It does not last long. Also, consider taking supplements like Vitamins C, D3, as well as zinc, rose hips and elderberry. The better our immune systems are, the better off we will be during this trudge.

Time to get back to it folks. Time to get back on this two year trudge with conviction and purpose. We WILL get through this. We will get to the other side. We WILL make the Chinese pay for this - and pay dearly. Time to live our lives. Go hug your loved ones. Go to church. Get to work. This is America, damn it. Time to act like it once again.   

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