Friday, May 8, 2020

Coming home to roost?

"May and June should be interesting months. Not only will we be fighting off this stubborn virus, we will also be fighting with the MSM to tell the entire TRUTH on this story. Because they are so invested in the Obama's, and HATE this President so much, this is going to be a tough road to slog."

My, oh my. In the midst of this virus, we seem to have some other news. Like the exoneration of General Flynn. About dang time! He was set up bigly by the DOJ and FBI. Not everyone in those two organizations, just the bad apples at the top. He was set up because he was associated with Donald J. Trump, the incoming President. They did it solely to get to President Trump. Everyone knew that. If Hillary had been elected, nobody would have given two hoots about General Flynn. Anyhow, a huge wrong has now been righted.

How deep was the mud in this Russia-gate? How far did the corruption go? Was it just Strzok and Page? Or did it go deeper? Like up to Comey? Or the Obama AG department? Or Obama himself? Facts are hard to keep hidden forever. And now is the time for some of those fact concerning Russia-gate to come to the surface. The fingerprints which have been found on this crime scene are many, and some belong to the powerful. The drip, drip, drip of this disclosure has begun.

Someone had suggested that Trump fire Ray (who is nothing but a tool), and then put General Flynn as the head of the FBI. That would be a great move! Could you imagine Flynn as the bureau chief, and then having many of the guilty doing the perp walk? Like Brennan? Like Clapper? Like Comey? And then trying them on violations of the Logan Act? If it could only be true! 

How about Mr. Pure, aka Barack H. Obama? Sometimes known as Barry Soetoro? The man with the murky past. How deep was his involvement? Some say he was the puppet master. Other's say his involvement was only passive. Then there are a few who thought he was like a Biden - clueless. My vote has always been the puppet master. For all this plotting to go on right under his nose without him knowing about it - impossible. No - Obama was the man behind the curtain. Having Hillary finish out Obama's third term was just that important to him.

May and June should be interesting months. Not only will we be fighting off this stubborn virus, we will also be fighting with the MSM to tell the entire TRUTH on this story. Because they are so invested in the Obama's, and HATE this President so much, this is going to be a tough road to slog. Fortunately, we have enough truth tellers now in Washington, that the truth will be told.

Karma can be a bitch. If the Deep State had never come up with this Russia-gate thing, none of this investigation into Obama's corruption would be happening. But it did, and it is. As my old boss would tell me, "If you are going to throw a bag of poop out of the front window, make sure the back window is rolled up." Bingo!   

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about Obama's involvement in the Flynn matter, and I'm sure it was Hilary operatives that launched the whole Russia thing as an excuse, but one thing I know for certain. It is impossible for a Secretary of State to handle 33,000 emails from an illegal server, and send NONE of them to the President, who would have immediately seen the sender's address and recognize it as a violation of law.
