Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Wisconsin Party!

"Yesterday, the party of the year was held in Wisconsin. Tomorrow, it might be held in Minnesota and Michigan. We can only hope."  

Poor old Tony Evers. Thrown to the curb by the people in Wisconsin. The people who elected him. Well actually, it was the Wisconsin Supreme Court who threw Tony to the curb. The court looked at this tyrant and said, "You were elected to work for the people, not visa versa. The fiat powers you tried to infuse in your Stay at Home orders, have got to go." And just like that - Tony went from "King of the hill", to just a spectator. He was a spectator, witnessing the biggest party Wisconsin has thrown since the Packers won their last Super Bowl.

First a few facts about Wisconsin which are germane to this article. Wisconsin's population is 5,800,000 - about 100,000 more than Minnesota. The population of Milwaukee - 600,000. Population of Minneapolis and St. Paul together - 730,000. The two states are very similar in so many things. Both states have tons of lightly populated "out state" territory when you get outside the metros. They are so similar in so many things - that is, except for how COVID - 19 has sickened the two states.

Whereas Minnesota has about 13,500 confirmed cases with 663 deaths from COVID - 19, Wisconsin only has 11,300 confirmed cases with 434 deaths. Minneapolis and St. Paul combined have about 500 of Minnesota's deaths, whereas Milwaukee only has about 250. So, just like in the vast differences between the Dakotas and Minnesota with COVID statistics, why then, the differences between these two states (Minnesota and Wisconsin), which look like twins?

Well, whatever. It has already been firmly alleged that whatever Taxing Timmy has done to fight COVID in Minnesota, it is not the right thing. We have been locked up tighter than a drum since this virus thing started, and still we have higher than average numbers.

In Wisconsin, Tony Evers also thought he was doing the right thing. Only the right thing was not the right thing in the minds of many of his citizens. Wisconsin is not the powder keg Michigan is, but still, the citizens and patriots of Wisconsin had enough. How much so? The ink on the paper from the Wisconsin high court was still drying on the paper when the bars in Wisconsin started to open.

Now what do we have in Wisconsin? In the eyes of the patriots and citizens, we are seeing nothing less than freedom. People choosing to be treated like adults, and not children. Are they risking getting the virus by going to the bar and social distancing 6 inches instead of six feet? Maybe. But it is their choice. That is what freedom is all about.

Tony Evers may be wailing about "chaos and wild, wild west" behavior, but that is only because Tony does not "get it". Take a look around Governor Evers - this is what freedom looks like. And if you had taken American History while in college instead of environmental studies, you would know that our history is replete with explosions of freedom and liberty when tyranny is present.

Are you paying attention to what is going on in Wisconsin Taxing Timmy? How about you Gretchen Whitmer, aka the Queen of Mean? Liberty loving people in Minnesota and Michigan are no different than liberty loving people in Wisconsin. Yesterday, the party of the year was held in Wisconsin. Tomorrow, the next parties might be held in Minnesota and Michigan. We can only hope.  

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