Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Untangling China

"It took President Trump to really open our eyes with China. No more playing footsie. Trump tried to play nice with Xi for a while, but that did no good. Now Xi will see the other side of our President. China will pay for what they have done - pay in ways they can't even imagine." 

Yesterday, in one of the online news sources, there was a good article about certain items which are now in short supply. Items which could take a long, long time to come back to normal. I read that article with interest - and astonishment. About 7 out of 10 of those items were made in China. They are holding our future right now. We are deep in a very tangled mess with China, and it is killing us.

Someone asked me not too long ago (after one of my China rants), if I hated China. Not a bit I explained. It is a vast country with a very rich history and heritage. The regular people who live there, are not at fault with what is going on. That is, except for the fact they have not risen up and overthrow their puppets. The "puppets" I refer to are the Communist China Party (CCP). I loath this party. I have since I served this country by doing my crypto job overseas. There, I learned quite a bit about the CCP. They are evil atheists, who love to trample on humans and human rights. And they hate us with a passion.

Why in the world then, would we get in bed with the devil? Why do we have all these entanglements with a country who is run by such snakes? Part of it is our fault. We have traded good paying American jobs, for sweat shop jobs in China. All to save the almighty buck. Once we put our toe in that water, we started going in deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The globalists loved it. Meanwhile, we were too mesmerized to see the forest through the trees. They were taking us to the cleaners in trade deals, and then stealing us blind by IP theft. They were having a field day with us - that is, until the 2016 election.

Untangling from China is not going to be easy, but it is of the highest importance right now. I try very hard NOT to buy things from China, but sometimes it is almost impossible not to. For example, a few weeks ago I ordered some disposable gloves. It took me a while, as much of what I looked at had China as its manufacturing origin. Finally I found some that cost a bit more. They cost a bit more, as they had the American flag displayed, and the ad said, "from American stock". I ordered them. Last week, they arrived. Not one word of English on the box. It was all in Chinese. I was pissed.

Last night, I got a post from someone who I do not know, telling me I was shallow to accuse the Chinese and the globalists for the mess we are in. Okay - I will bite. Who is responsible then? Who has stolen our IP? Who unleashed this virus on the world? Who has re-education camps for anyone who disagrees with the CCP? I could go on and on. My only point is this - we need to untangle ourselves from this gang of thugs sooner rather than later. Or else, they will own us - lock, stock and barrel. 

It took President Trump to really open our eyes with China. No more playing footsie. Trump tried to play nice with Xi for a while, but that did no good. Now Xi will see the other side of our President. China will pay for what they have done - pay in ways they can't even imagine. 

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