Saturday, May 2, 2020

California Dreaming...

"We now go forward. United by our common bond of freedom. That bond is stronger than any petty dictator, or any virus. Stay strong. Stay healthy. The future belongs to us." 

This contagion is spreading across our land. Come on Bird! Not another COVID story! I can't take anymore! Good news - it is not. The contagion I address this morning is freedom. People throwing off the chains of tyranny, and becoming citizens once again. They put up with a few weeks of being mere subjects, under power hungry, non-constitutional, gubernatorial monarchs, but enough is enough!

Not all governors in this great nation have turned into puppet dictators. Christie Noem of South Dakota said from the get-go, she trusted the good people of South Dakota to do the right thing. So, there were few if any mandates. The state stayed open for business, and except for the Smithfield plant incident, everything went along swimmingly. So much so, some citizens threw her a surprise parade (in her honor) in front of her house. Now compare that to how the queen of mean, aka Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, is thought of by her citizenry. The torches and pitchforks are ready to be unleashed.

The big news however, is on the left coast. Gavin Newsom, the nation's newest dictator, has told the heavily taxed people of California, they have been bad boys and girls. Seems last weekend, when it was blistering hot in California, many flocked to the beach. They violated the "no-touche" rule (social distancing). To punish them for this insurrection, Newsom has closed down the beaches - statewide. Many of the residents have responded with a collective "bite me". Today should be a very interesting day in the golden state.

Our own puppet, Taxing Timmy Walz, has told (what he sees as his subjects), we need two more weeks of isolation. Two more weeks, of many of our businesses hanging on by their fingernails. To celebrate his decision to keep us isolated, yesterday, my wife and I first went out grocery shopping in the morning, then to the bank, and to top the day off, had friends over for social hour. For supper, we ordered out from one of our local restaurants which is trying hard to make it through. That was our way of telling Timmy the Tyrant to "bite me".

Funny thing about freedom. Once people smell freedom, or taste it, freedom becomes very addictive. Just ask the good people of Hong Kong. For them, freedom is more important than life itself. Kind of like in our country, when Patrick Henry said, "Give me freedom, or give me death." We have had it with dictators. We go to war to defeat them. We sure are not going to tolerate them in our state houses.

We now go forward. United by our common bond of freedom. That bond is stronger than any petty dictator, or any virus. Stay strong. Stay healthy. The future belongs to us. 

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