Saturday, May 16, 2020

Michigan's Queen of Mean

"The American people elect leaders to lead them - not control them. And Gretchen Whitmer - you are the worst of the worst. Shame on your pettiness. You really are the Queen of Mean"

When I was a youngish lad, my Dad had a favorite expression. He would use it when he say someone who looked real nasty. He would say, "Son - that is one mean looking sucker!" Most often, it was my experience when someone looked mean and nasty, they usually were. Once in a while it was not the case - but most times, it was.

Whenever I see or hear Gretchen Whitmer (DEMOCRAT) Governor of Michigan on the news, I either think of what my Dad would say, or I would think of the Wicked Witch of the West. This woman is beyond the pale (or in the case of the Wicked Witch - the pail!). What she did to that poor older gentleman, that 77 year old barber who was just trying to survive, was out and out tyranny. But tyranny seems to be Gretchen's middle name these days. 

Karl Manke needed to keep cutting hair to get some revenue to survive. That is all. Plus, his loyal customers for decades, needed hair trims. So Karl ignored the fiat order of this Queen of Mean, and kept cutting hair. He was warned to stop, but he kept on cutting. Then this tyrannical dictator did the unthinkable - she revoked his licence. The license to cut hair he had for just about forever.

Karl said (paraphrase), "Fine. Keep your license. I am going to keep cutting my customer's hair." Then the almighty state of Michigan, under the direction of the Governor threatened to fine him $1,000, and one year in jail PER HAIRCUT! The Queen of Mean wonders why citizens come to the state capitol to protest armed to the teeth. Gretchen! Read your history books! American History! Patriots and citizens DO NOT tolerate tyranny. We have fought wars to eliminate tyranny. We certainly are not going to put up with it from you!

Like Minnesota, whatever Michigan is doing is the wrong thing. Michigan is way, way out of control in fighting this virus. The state is locked down tighter than a drum, and yet they have 50,000 confirmed cases, and over 4,800 deaths. For a state less than twice the population of Wisconsin, Michigan has about 10 times as many COVID deaths. What the what? That makes no sense what-so-ever. 

Some have taken me out to the woodshed for pointing out that red states (for the most part) have much better COVID numbers than blue states. Maybe I won't do that anymore. Instead, I will point out that states run by tyrants (for the most part) have much worst COVID numbers than states run by freedom loving Governors. How so? South Dakota with a freedom loving woman running that state, has 1% of the COVID deaths than Michigan, run by a tyrannical woman. Go figure. 

What I have tried to point out the past few days, is turning your state into a gulag does not help in reducing down the number of COVID cases or deaths. All it does is make a tough situation even tougher. The American people elect leaders to lead them - not control them. And Gretchen Whitmer - you are the worst of the worst. Shame on your pettiness. You really are the Queen of Mean.  

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