Friday, May 29, 2020

"New Fallujah" - redux?

"People who because of family history, have voted Democrat for years. Many are now wondering just what they have voted for. Without realizing it, they voted for entropy. And now they have it."  

Yesterday, I put a post out saying Minneapolis is starting to look like "New Fallujah". This is not my term. I am not that cleaver. I remember that term from Rush saying it about Detroit. You see years ago, Detroit went through something similar to what Minneapolis is going through right now. It went from one of America's greatest cities, to a hollowed out mess. Parts of Detroit were burned out, vandalized, and left to rot. Just visiting Detroit today, takes an act of courage.

Whereas Rush thought Detroit looked more like a Iraqi city which had just gone through a tough battle with our Armed Forces, that is how Minneapolis is looking right now. Minneapolis is a city which is slowly devouring itself. Hollowing itself out. It has way too many takers, and too few makers. Minneapolis has been a powder keg for some time. Many who live in Greater Minnesota, hate to go there. I know I do. When I was a kid I loved the place. Now I can't stand it. It has been a powder keg ready to explode. And this week, it did.

Not only are the forces of evil destroying Minneapolis, the contagion is spreading quickly. The rioters are hitting St. Paul, Rosedale, and points north. All Target Stores in the metro area are now closed - until further notice. Buses and trains are shut down until Sunday night.

If you are stuck in South Minneapolis, you are now living in a food desert. Since the Target and Cub stores have been neutralized, places for people to get their meds have been reduced to almost zero. South Minneapolis is becoming hollowed out. Self devoured. And all city leaders can do, is sit around and wonder what the hell just happened.

Some think what is happening right now is straight from Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals. It might be. I do know this however - just about everyone I have talked to since this mayhem started, believe there is a "puppet master" behind all of it. The only question is - who is it? Soros? Maybe. Antifa? Maybe. BLM? Probably. Whomever it is, the damage already done has been extensive. Not just to property, but also to confidence in city and state leadership. If you get in trouble right now in Minneapolis, help is not coming. The first responders in that city have been neutralized and paralyzed. We are on the verge of "every man (or woman) for him or herself".

For those around the world who are witnessing this, I really don't know how to explain it. We are suppose to be in the middle of the most serious pandemic this world has seen for quite a while. Instead, the City of Lakes is turning into the City of Fire. Even with 500 members of the National Guard being called up to act as nothing more than logistic support, we need more - much more. Like, maybe a waiver from the Posse Comitatus Act. But to get a waiver from that act, we would need Congress to authorize it. Good luck getting Ms. Nancy to do anything right now.

Where do we go from here. Lord only knows. A city committed to suicide might be tough to talk off the ledge. Meanwhile, there are thousands of innocent people still living there. People who because of family history, have voted Democrat for years. Many are now wondering just what they have voted for. Without realizing it, they voted for entropy. And now they have it.  

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