Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Spore Wars

"We need to find a way to beat these things until they don't wiggle anymore. We can't live this way. We have some of the smartest people in the world living here. We need to find the silver bullet for not only COVID - 19, but also any other virus which comes along." 

Anyone else getting tired of hearing the term "COVID"? I sure am. Almost to the point I want to wretch when I hear it mentioned. I can't listen to any local or national news, read any newsprint, watch news on TV - without hearing about COVID. It is changing our lives daily. Ruining lives. And the nexus between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and COVID are extraordinary. I can't think of one without thinking of the other.

Last month, the Economist penned an article called Spore Wars. It was a fearful article for sure. It was about some rogue country (or maybe even not rogue) becoming emboldened by the devastation that COVID - 19 has wrought on the world, and developing another spore, similar to COVID - 19, but not exact. It could happen. We would be in the soup all over again. Putting together a virus lab like Wuhan would not be that hard to do - especially if a country had help from a nefarious, and silent partner (hello, CCP).

A virus expert was on the news this morning. His message was also somewhat bleak. This current wave of COVID - 19? Get used to it. He said as this virus mutates, we could be getting wave after wave of some kind of unwelcome spores in our land. Causing disease, death and mayhem. So that gets us back to the spot we were contemplating a couple months ago. How do we stop these spores from ruining our lives? From ruining our progress as a people? In other words, as our President said, how do we go to war with these spores? Defeat them for once and for all?

I for one (and I am sure there are legions upon legions who feel the same), and tired of playing "duck and cover" with these spores. I am tired of treating others like they have leprosy - and being treated as the same. I am tired of social distancing, washing my hands until they bleed, and wearing a mask in stores. I am tired of missing church. Tired of not watching baseball in the spring and summer. And I am tired of watching the greatest economy in the world, come to almost a screeching halt. 

Spore wars? My feeling is whatever it takes. We need to find a way to beat these things until they don't wiggle anymore. We can't live this way. We have some of the smartest people in the world living here. We need to find the silver bullet for not only COVID - 19, but also any other virus which comes along. And we need to do it sooner, rather than later.

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