Saturday, May 16, 2020

"Light-headed" in Illinois

"Walz, Evers, Whitmer, Pritzker, Lightfoot - DEMOCRATS all. And all are clueless tyrants. If we want to get a handle on running these states well again, and fighting the good fight against COVID - 19, we need to clean house."

I was going to finish up how our neighbors are doing in these COVID days with addressing Michigan, but I just could not resist taking a trip to Illinois. No offense to Iowa and North Dakota - I have not forgotten you. But how you are doing as compared to Minnesota and Michigan is, well, really not that newsworthy. In other words, those two states are doing as well as can be expected. But Illinois, with DEMOCRAT Governor Pritzker and Lori "Lightheaded" Lightfoot, the DEMOCRAT Mayor of Chicago, are a pair to draw to.

First off, I am not going to mention that Illinois is going bankrupt. Nor that Cook County is the corruption county of America. Nor that Chicago has turned into nothing more than a drug infested shooting gallery, with a sky high death toll. Covered all these topics before, many, many times. But I would like to see how the DEMOCRAT Governor and the DEMOCRAT Mayor of Chicago are handling this COVID - 19 crisis.

Illinois with just under 13M residents, has over 90,000 confirmed cases of COVID with over 4,100 deaths. How does that compare to Minnesota, who by the way, is doing lousy so far? Minnesota, with 45% of the population of Illinois, has 15,000 confirmed cases and 700 deaths. 

But now we come to Lori "Lightheaded" Lightfoot. How is Chicago doing? Chicago has about a third of the reported COVID cases in Illinois with just over 2,500 deaths. That is worse than the Twin Cities of Minnesota (by a long shot), but better than the 20,000 deaths in NYC (by a long shot).

That being said, and with all these stats, why am I focused on the DEMOCRAT Mayor of Chicago? Because she is clueless. Reckless and clueless. Last weekend, was a typical week for violence in Chicago. 64 shot and wounded, with 10 killed. So what was "Lightheaded" the most concerned about? Social distancing in Chicago, while Illinois suffers through Pritzker's endless shutdown.

So, how is that shutdown working Governor? Chicago is paying way too much attention to it, while the carnage continues. The "Lightheaded" Mayor of Chicago has proven time and time again, she has NO control over the crime in the largest city in Illinois. The state is still going belly up, and Cook County is the biggest reason for it. So, the recipe for Illinois has been simply this - spend money like crazy with revenue drying up, let Chicago continue to rip itself apart with drug and gun violence, and watch the COVID death toll be one of the largest in the Midwest.

Walz, Evers, Whitmer, Pritzker, Lightfoot - DEMOCRATS all. And all are clueless tyrants. If we want to get a handle on running these states well again, and fighting the good fight against COVID - 19, we need to clean house. Get rid of the tyrants running these fine states. Elect normal adults who understand liberty and freedom.

A famous quote attributed to Ben Franklin is, "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety". Man oh man - have we seen this quote come true this year! The blue tyrants running some of our midwestern states have stripped their citizens of much of their liberty, and yet the virus keeps winning the day. What then am I saying? Once again - elections have consequences. Remember that in November.     

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