Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Minnesota Miracle - Part 2

"I don't know if our state government has learned much from this first wave of the Wuhan Flu. But the people have. They have learned that our liberties are fragile things, and if we are not careful, they can be taken away in a heartbeat."

I bet some who saw the title of this post might be thinking I was going back into yesteryear. Back in time to talk about the Case Keenum pass to Stephan Diggs in the Saints playoff game. Nope. Not that miracle. What I will address this morning is even more of a miracle. Our blessed emperor, Taxing Timmy Walz, is going to let us out in the yard a bit more. Give us a few more privileges. Even allow some retail shops to open up again (with conditions). I was so happy, I was going out to a bar to celebrate. But - Timmy has them closed for the rest of the month.

Many of the gloom and doom medical gurus think opening up might be a big mistake. Also Dr. Bill Gates, who has transformed from Microsoft CEO, to a globalist, and now to a virologist. Gates thinks the world should stay shut down for months. With all of us hiding in our basements (if we have one). But here is where my confusion comes in.

Dr. (a real doctor) Mike Osterholm of the U of M, said we will continue to be attacked by this virus until 70% or so of us are infected. At that point in time, we will collectively develop "herd immunity", and this virus will start to fade into the history books.

If most of us are going to be infected (and please, don't pin your hopes on a silver bullet vaccine), then let's get it over with. Why play duck and cover with something we can't hide from forever? That is, unless you want to only exist, and not live. Stay hidden in your house for months and months (or longer). Don't get me wrong - if I had my druthers, I would not get this crap. Especially at my age (70). But I do not want to spend my golden years hiding from some invisible enemy. Too much life left to live.

As far as I am concerned, Taxing Timmy has already done enough damage to this state. Of the over 600 souls we have lost, over 80% of them have been in LTC facilities. A whole slew of innocent seniors - gone. All because the state did not have the where-with-all on how to protect our LTC facilities against diseases. In fact, it is so bad in Minnesota, we lead the nation (according to Fox News) in the percentage of fatalities in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Taxing Timmy has also done a real job on many of our small businesses. Quite a few have already thrown in the towel. The cracking sound you hear outside, is the sound of fingernails breaking. Those fingernail belong to owners who are hanging on by their fingernails. When the last fingernail breaks, the business goes belly up - forever.

So what exactly is the Minnesota Miracle? Simply that Walz is allowing us to open up just a smidge. Big whoop. Actually, the fact more businesses have not gone under so far is another miracle. However, many are so deeply wounded, when they do open up, they will be on life support. 

I don't know if our state government has learned much from this first wave of the Wuhan Flu. But the people have. They have learned that our liberties are fragile things, and if we are not careful, they can be taken away in a heartbeat.

Oh, the citizens have also been reminded that elections have consequences. Reminded in a big way.

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