Saturday, May 23, 2020

Joe steps in it (again)...

"For the first time in a long time, we have a 'promises made, promises delivered' President. All Biden is, and always has been, is a promise maker, and a panderer. End of story." 

When our kids were young, and they would say something without thinking about it before hand, my wife and I would call it the "ready, fire, aim" way of talking. As I have aged, my wife has told me I am losing my filter. In other words, I am not at in the elderly "ready, fire, aim", phase as yet, but my wordsmithing, after I decide what to say, is not what it used to be. In other words, I got blunt.

That being said, the self proclaimed "scrapper from Scranton", is really on the slippery slope downward. Not only has he lost his filter, he has lost everything which comes with it. His comment to that gentleman of color, during a routine Q+A event, was a jaw dropper. "You ain't black if you vote for Trump". Of ALL the times the Loony Left has called out our President for being racist (like, shutting down flights from China when the virus started spreading), and here is Joe Biden, telling a black person he is not black if he votes for the party of freedom in the next election.

As usual, after Uncle Joe steps in a pile of excrement, he is very contrite. Or so he says. Right after he realized the egregious nature of what he said, he got in front of a camera and said he misspoke. "I have never taken the African American vote for granted". To that Uncle Joe, we must resound with a roaring, BULLSHIT! You do it all the time! And you have NEVER done one damn thing for that community, except promise two chickens in every pot. And for some reason, unknown to the thinking world, that community keeps voting Democrat. Time after time after time.

Monolithic voting blocks have always been a puzzle to me. There was just an article about the Jewish vote. They are voting Democrat (again). Why? Heaven only knows. Is Trump an anti-Semitic? Not hardly. His daughter Ivanka, married a Jewish man (Jared Kushner) and converted to Judaism. Trumps grandchildren are being raised Jewish. Yet the unthinking class, continues to excoriate Donald Trump for not only being a racist, but also an anti-Semitic. And the goofball Joe Biden gets off scot free. Time and time and time again. 

The Party of Freedom produced Donald Trump. It produced Ronald Reagan. It produced Abraham Lincoln. These men promised ALL Americans nothing except freedom. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from excessive government shackles, and freedom to follow one's dreams. The Party of Death (as it is called today, due to their love affair with abortion), promises nothing but more promises. One party honors God Almighty, and the other party boos God.

If the truth be known, I have thought Biden was a phony since he was in Congress. I thought he was a phony when he was in the Senate. And I REALLY thought he was a phony when he was Vice President. For the first time in a long time, we have a "promises made, promises delivered" President. All Biden is, and always has been, is a promise maker, a deal breaker, and a panderer. End of story.       

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