Thursday, May 7, 2020

Petty little dictators with faux power

"Time to go back to work folks. Time to go out to eat. Time to travel, to go on vacation. Heck - time to get a haircut! We know how to do this. We understand enough about this virus, to stay as safe as possible while living our lives. Time to get going."

If we could go back in time just a bit, and tell some folks that soon you could be fined or tossed in jail for the simple crime of going to work, you might have been thrown in the loony bin. After you were firmly ensconced in the loony bin, you would have been reminded that this is America. And you have the right to go to work (so long as what you do it legal), and NOBODY had the right to tell you that you can't. That is, unless your governor or judges have faux authority.

By now, we have all heard of the Dallas case of the Salon owner who only wanted to open up her shop to serve her clients. She had "played the game" for a while, of sheltering in place. But the bills were coming due, she needed to feed her kids, and many of her clients were begging for hair cuts or perms. So she opened her shop back up. Masks were worn and "social distancing" was practiced as much as practicable. No matter - she was now a law breaker (even though, there was no legal law she broke).

Enter Obama appointed judge Eric Moye', aka - petty dictator. This piece of self important, low life judgeship, had this poor woman arrested. Had her dragged into his courtroom, fined her $7,000 for the days she was "illegally" opened, and then demanded an apology out of her. This petty dictator really wanted to make this American patriot feel small. Instead of apologizing to this dictator, she refused. So Moye', threw this patriot in a COVID infested jail for 7 days.

Every day, we can see similar things played out in this free country of America. Least wise, America is suppose to be free. But somehow, petty little dictators have stolen powers which are not reserved for them to have. And for a while, honest patriots and citizens have allowed this to happen. However, that channel is about to change. These petty little dictators, many or whom have never had to work in the private sector, are ruining the economy. Patriots and citizens are coming back to their senses, and are collectively saying, NO MORE! 

Time to abrogate all these faux orders given by petty dictators. One of them, the Governor of Oregon, is not going to "allow" her state to be opened up until after the Fourth of July. Give me a break! People are not stupid. They will return to work, and be as safe as possible. Yes, the doctors have told us that over half of us will eventually get sick from this stuff. It may be tomorrow, it may be next year. It may be at work, it may be at home. Bottom line is this - we have to live our lives and do our jobs. We tried this dead stop business, and it does not work for us. Does not work well at all.

The Boston Tea Party should have shown the world that this bunch of Americans do not do well under tyranny. In fact, they get way beyond feisty. Whereas the the petty little dictators think our Constitution gives them extraordinary powers de jour, patriots and citizens understand the purpose of the Constitution was rather to limit the power of government. 

Time to go back to work folks. Time to go out to eat. Time to travel, to go on vacation. Heck - time to get a haircut! We know how to do this. We understand enough about this virus, to stay as safe as possible while living our lives. Time to get going.

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