Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hillary's Digital Fingerprints...

"In other words, between what has been currently discovered and what will be released by Julian Assange in October, just might be the smoking gun we have all been waiting for."  

Oh those dang emails! I hate them! Once they are in the Ethernet, they seem to live forever. The problem that Hillary has right now, is her past sins. She can try to be "goodie, goodie two shoes" from now until the November election, but it is too late. The unmovable, intractable force has her. Her digital fingerprints are all over everything ranging from "smells bad" to out and out "pay for play".

This morning in the editorial section of the newspaper was an article advising Hillary to ditch the Clinton Foundation. The email traces connecting the Clinton Foundation to Hillary's State Department business are nothing more than death by a thousand cuts for Hillary. But it no longer matters. The damage has been done. The crime has been committed. And Hillary's fingerprints are all over everything.

This morning on the national news was a story about more information being obtained from Hillary's emails. The trail from the Clinton Foundation to the State Department continues to change from light gray to darker gray to almost black. In other words, between what has been currently discovered and what will be released by Julian Assange in October, just might be the smoking gun we have all been waiting for.

So the question now begs to be asked. What happens after the smoking gun is discovered? Is Bernie the new guy? Is that what the rules say? Or will the rules (in Democrat fashion) be thrown out the window and Smoking Joe will save the day. Or will the Democrats try to patch up Hillary as much as possible (assuming she is not indicted), and go forward. All I know is this - Donald Trump may not be the best candidate we have ever had, but I sure would not want to be a Democrat right about now.

This is what we know about the Clintons. They always walk the on the edge. Play the margins. Try to stay one step ahead of the posse. In fact, Bill almost got away with what he did to Monica. But then there was the blue dress. And DNA is like digital fingerprints - it seems to last forever. 

Well this time Hillary might have been too cute by half. The home server, which was suppose to obfuscate her digital trail, might not have been enough. In fact, it might have backfired. As Obama's pastor, the most Rev. Jeremiah Wright has said (I will substitute one word), "Clinton's chickens have come home to roost." 

Amen to that brother, amen to that!

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