Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The paper chase

"Groups like Citizen's United are issuing FOIA requests for just about everything from just about anyone who might be related to Hillary's server."

Many of us are starting to wonder which will hit first. The first "damning" email which forms a direct link of influence peddling to a cash donation from a foreign country. Or the general election. Most of us on the Right have our suppositions that the "damning" email is out there somewhere - possibly in the 15,000 or so emails which were recently discovered by the FBI.

So now we are on to the "paper chase". Groups like Citizen's United are issuing FOIA requests for just about everything from just about anyone who might be related to Hillary's server. The "beauty" of Hillary's server (in the mind of the DNC) is that because it was personal, it was not subject to FOIA requests. However, the government people who received Hillary's emails (who do use government servers), are.

It all boils down to this. The Democrats are trying to paint Trump as a mindless tyrant based on what he might do in the White House. The Republicans are trying to paint Hillary for what she has done as SOS - influence peddling.

Here is the situation as I see it - both the narratives from both parties are just narratives right now. The narrative against Trump is likely just to remain just so. But one, just one, email which connects the dots will be the end of Hillary's campaign.

If I were a betting man, I would say this race could likely end up in Trump's lap after all. All he need do is listen to Kellyanne Conway, and hope the right email(s) are discovered before November. I would also suggest one thing. Over the past eight years, we have heard nothing but platitudes from the current President. Blah, blah, blah. Donald Trump offering real solutions to real problems would be a refreshing change to many. We are not going to hear anything like that out of Hillary.

One more thing as we are waiting for the "paper chase" to conclude. If Donald Trump wanted to hit a home run with many on the Right who had been doubting him, address the debt issue. Not just "we need to do something" - be specific on what he would do. Even if it were painful. The American people want to know the TRUTH about our debt - and how we can fix it.

Finally, my guess about the "paper chase" is simply this - it will become a number's game. The more emails which are discovered (or leaked by hackers), the better chance the silver bullet will be found.

Face facts. Hillary is dirty and most of us know it. Do we really want this type of character in our White House? Not I. Not even the least bit.  

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