Friday, August 26, 2016

Spanking Iran and the Norks

"Well here we are again. Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, we are again getting sand kicked in our faces."

You will have to excuse me for a minute. I think I am having a flashback. Not an acid flashback - a political one. Back in the days of "Pea NUTS" (That would be Jimmy Carter), we had a problem with our world standing. Jimmy had reduced the size of our military down so far, to such a bare minimum, we had ships we could not put to sea and airplanes which could not fly. Actually, this would have been a good time in history for the Soviets to take us down a peg or two. Thankfully, they did not.

Yes, even the Islamic students in Iran had our number back then. Treated us like crap. Took some of people hostage. And we did nothing. "Desert One" was a mission to try and save them. It failed because our military was ill equipped. We just sat back and took it on the chin. That is, until Ronald Wilson Reagan took the oath. Then everything started to change for the better.

Well, here we are again. Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, we are once again getting sand kicked in our faces. The Norks (gotta love them), say they now have the "throw power" to hit the mainland of the USA with a nuke. Meanwhile on the other side of the world, the Iranians are showing their appreciation for us give them $400M in ransom payment, by harassing our ships operating in international waters. Yes, these over sized fishing (or coastal patrol boats) are actually harassing our blue water, "man of war" warships. 

What is our response? Putting another "Coexist" bumper sticker on Air Force One? No it is in one word, nada. Just take it. Hey Norks - do you want to take out a city on our west coast? If you do, we will report you to the United Nations. Hey Iran - do you want to try and sink one of our Navy ships? We will write you a stern letter!

How about this for a response? Hey Norks - fire one more missile anywhere, and we will fire a few at your homeland. Test any more nuclear tests, and we will test some also - on your homeland. Hey Iran - you screw with our Navy one more time while they are in international waters, we will take out half your Navy. You know we can do it - and we will! 

Now I will be blunt. We need someone with balls to deal with these two renegade nations. I am sure they delight in taking us on in our weakened state. There will come a time (I hope) that kicking sand in our face will be met with something most unpleasant in return. 

I think most people in this country are ready for a spanking. Not to receive one, but to give one. It is time to do it to both. 

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