Wednesday, May 4, 2016

And now???

"He was one advantage she does not - he has no political record. He will go into every sordid detail of what she and her husband have done since the get-go."  

Lots of sad faces this morning. Lots of shock with not a lot of awe. All of a sudden the big race for Cleveland has become somewhat of a coronation in Indiana. I am already hearing from staunch conservative friends they really don't know if they can pull a lever for Donald Trump. And I am hearing that in my own house.

For some, November is looking like a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. Some think that in preparing for the general election, Trump could say something regrettable about Hillary. So bad it could turn off the female vote on both sides of the fence. Others think that Trump will beat Hillary like a drum. He was one advantage she does not - he has no political record. He will go into every sordid detail of what she and her husband have done since the get-go.

And then there is Bernie. Why in the world would he stick around? Simple - he is an ideologue. Always has been. He knows he does not stand a snowball's chance of getting the nomination. But he has a huge opportunity to make Democrats look more like socialists. He hates the kind of Democrat that will hop into bed with Wall Street. And that is the rub he has with Hillary - she is a classic limousine liberal. Someone who has become a fat cat while "in public service".

So the contest who so many have feared is now coming to fruition. Someone said, "Out of over 300 million people, this is the best we can come up with?" For Republicans, we can go back in time even further. We have run Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney. That was the best we had? All three got smoked. Two by some activist with zero experience. 

I guess I am still a bit numb right now. I really did think that Ted Cruz would be the right fix for our country. That being said, Ted is gone and I, along with many others, have a tough choice to make. Pull the lever for Donald Trump, or not. The "or not" is almost a guarantee that Hillary Clinton will be out next President.

We all have some time to process what happened last night in Indiana. Some don't have too much time as our state convention is coming up in a couple of weeks. We know the choice we have in front of us. God help us all.    

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