Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mika - once again...

"She continued on, 'People don't like to be reminded of the past as they realize how they are no better off than they were years ago. And their kids are no better off either.'"

I have made this confession before. I do watch (not every day) a few minutes of Morning Joe on MSNBC. I do so because it gives me just enough of a glimpse of how the other side is thinking, without viewing so much I need to have my stomach pumped before noon.

Mika Brzezinski is your consummate liberal. She fits the definition perfectly of being a left leaning, liberal newscaster. Is she biased? Absolutely - and unabashedly. She and her co-host (Scarborough) will often banter with each other on political points. However, Joe needs to be careful on how far right he argues. This is after all, MSNBC. 

This morning was one of those "ah-ha" moments for our favorite morning blond. The subject was Hillary. And how both Bernie and The Donald were going after her. Mika then said, "They are going to not only paint her as a friend of Wall Street, but also someone from the past." And then the best part came. She continued on, "People don't like to be reminded of the past as they realize how they are no better off than they were years ago. And their kids are no better off either."

Bingo Mika! That is a start to enlightenment! But only just a start. Truth be known, people are not in a static position from 7 plus years ago. They are worse off. Many have gone in reverse.

For example, the Democrat's biggest monolithic voting group (black voters) give Obama an approval rating of a whopping 85%! All that while black unemployment is twice what white unemployment is. Plus, the unemployment rate for black youth has risen to 40%. And yet, even thought the Democrats keep promising the moon and more to the black community (and delivering nothing), in 2016 it is projected that either Bernie or Hillary will get almost 90% of the black vote! Go figure.

As far as the economy is concerned in general, there are almost too many indicators to go into this morning. Citing just a few however, under Obama's Presidency average household income has fallen almost 5%. Over 5 million more people are living in poverty as our income inequality has grown during his term. People receiving food stamps has gone up almost 50%. And yes, our national debt has almost doubled.

This seven plus years of our "post racial era" ushered in by the election of our first mixed race President has been nothing but a disaster. People are worse off, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and the financial disaster of ObamaCare is just starting to be known. Our race relations suck, our military is demoralized, and tin horned dictators from every corner of the globe are kicking sand in our collective faces. 

So thank you Mika, for finally starting to wake up. Now tell your brothers and sister on the Loony Left to also get out of bed. This country is in deep, deep trouble and electing more of the same will only result in more of the same. The time is now to do something. And this November we really, really need to change our direction.


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