Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The 3/10 of one percent solution

"And celebrities like Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner have done NOTHING put poured gas on this fire."

3/10 of one percent. That is the number I keep hearing. Or putting it a different way, that is about 1 out of every 300 people. That is who is now has the disease (or condition) du jour of the new millennium. Yes, I am talking transsexuals. Or trans-genders. Or whatever name is now being called. And celebrities like Bruce (now Caitlin) Jenner have done NOTHING put pour gas on this fire.

This very small minority now has our republic all tied up in knots. According to our very biased Justice Department, this is a civil rights issue. It ranks right up there with separate whites and colored rest rooms from fifty years ago. And what is today's issue? Where a trans-gendered person can go pee. 

It really is very simple. The good people of North Carolina think that men and woman should pee in rest rooms that match their personal plumbing. The federal government on the other hand, think people should pee where ever they feel the most comfortable. In other words, if I wake up feeling a bit female, I could use the women's restroom that day. The next day if I woke up feeling manly, I could go back to using the men's room.

Now part of me thinks "so what?", since much of the world use communal bathrooms anyhow. The other part of me thinks this is the stupidest issue I have ever heard of. It is nothing more than an open door for that other small minority of our society who have sexual perversions. And all it is going to take is one instance where some guy dressed as a woman gropes a small girl in a woman's bathroom. Then all hell is going to break loose.

Now we have dueling lawsuits between North Carolina and the federal government. Many legal scholars think this is a total overreach for the feds and a violation of states rights. I am in that camp. Should however, the bench side with the feds on this one, two things will happen. First, it will be precedence setting. No bathroom in this country will be the way it once was. Then second, it will show just how left leaning and corrupt our judicial system has become - from SCOTUS on down.

Once again in this country, we have the tail wagging the dog. And for some reason, it always seems to come from the Loony Left. I mean, who among us could ever forget the Left telling us that oral sex was not sex? The bottom line is this - we now have a solution looking for a problem. And I fear that problems will come in bunches should the bench rule the wrong way on this one. 

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