Saturday, July 8, 2017

"Teh" Most Stupid Person

"My advice to the young man who responded to me who responded to me is simply this. Do the 'sinner's prayer', and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Trust me - the scales will fall from your eyes and you will see your path. Until you do that, why conservatives continue to have children will always seem like a puzzle to you."

Today was a red letter day for me! I responded to a FB friend (at least I think she is, as she is an avatar), about why conservatives who believe the world might be coming to an end would have children. It actually was a very good question. For those who are not in the faith, having kids in this uncertain world would seem foolhardy. For those in the faith, there is a very simple explanation.

Anyhow, I answered the question with a simple response. Children are a blessing from God, and conservatives who think we might be approaching "Armageddon" are prepped both from a material standpoint as well as spiritual. In other words, we don't worry about it. We just prepare. Well this young "snowflake" from Reno, Nevada (yes, it did peek on his wall), told me that my response was "teh dumbest answer ever" (typo included). 

People on the Left side of the street get a bit squeamish with this "God thing". Why? I have no idea. It should not. But I will say this to this young man who lives in the heat of the desert - this planet, which we are living on, is a gift from God. The more you will learn about the universe, the more you will understand how unique, how close to perfect this planet is, you will understand what I am saying.

Do I believe the world will end? I believe the brokenness will end when Jesus comes back to rule. The Bible is clear on that. Jesus will come back as the Lion of Judea and fix what needs to be fixed in this world. We may not know all the final chapters of this story, but we do know the conclusion - it is told to us in the Bible. 

Does God want us to quit having children? I don't believe so, or God would tell us that. Does God want us to kill our babies? Absolutely not! Abortion is murder. In God's planning, we might have thousand or more years to go. Or it could end tomorrow. We simply don't know. But what we do know is this - we live for today, and we plan for tomorrow. Preppers always plan for tomorrow. One can still be a "prepper" as well as follower of Christ. 

My advice to the young man who responded to me is simply this? Do the "sinner's prayer" and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Trust me - the scales will fall from your eyes and you will see your path. Until you do that, why conservatives continue to have children will always seem like a puzzle to you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm beginning to think that in America,
    a Conservative Christian is one who thinks
    the Beatitudes are a Chinese hoax.
