Sunday, April 24, 2016

It always goes way too fast...

"For those of us who remain here, it is yet another lesson on how fast this thing called life can pass."

"Baby, that was much too fast." So the go the lyrics to a song sung by Prince. One of the companies took out a full page ad in the local paper with only a red Corvette and just that simple lyric. It was impactful and profound. It was about how fast this young life went. And how suddenly it ended. Not just suddenly, but for many, totally unexpectedly. 

Losing Prince in his mid-fifties was the second of two celebrities who died last week. The not as famous Chyna, died suddenly in her mid-forties a day or two before Prince died. And just like that, the party was over. The journey finished. For those of us who remain here, it is yet another lesson on how fast this thing called life can pass. And it we are not careful, we will get to the end before we even see it coming.

For people of faith, the end and the beginning are one in the same. However from a secular standpoint, once we leave here, the only thing that remains is our legacy and the memories our friends and loved ones have. When my wife's brother passed away unexpectedly a few years ago (ironically about the same age as Prince), all we had left of him was a box of ashes. All the memories, all the good times, and yes, even some bad ones, reduced to that one box of ashes. And on the news this morning, it was reported that a box of ashes is all that remains of Prince. 

Out of every good thing or bad thing that happens, I always look for the "take away". The lesson(s) learned. I think this past week the lesson was clearly taught to us once again. It (life) always does go too fast. Each day, every day, is a gift. A blank canvas. A chance to make a difference, even if it is small or minute. 

Most of us have no idea when the Good Lord will call us home. And as we age, we end up saying good-bye to more and more friends and relatives. When I was growing up, an adult in my life always ending every meeting or conversation by saying two words - "be kind". These are sage words. None of us know when our next day will be our last day.

Be kind. Be loving to each other. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. And - it (life) really does go by way, way too fast...  

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